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A Vampire's blood dictates what they are able to learn. This is part of their great strengths and limitations as supernatural beings. Disciplines are the highest expression of a vampire's state and are, by their nature, incredibly powerful. As such, your character will forever be limited to mastering the disciplines they are born to. The system to express this is that no vampire may have an out of clan discipline higher than level 3. No vampire may teach a discipline they, themselves, do not possess as an In-Clan discipline. This is designed to increase the significance of your build. 


Caitiff represent a special case. At the time of their creation, they select three of the base 8 disciplines (those not designated as a Clan Specific Discipline). These are the three they have affinity to. They can teach them freely. And they can learn any of the other 8 disciplines without a teacher, but like all other Kindred trying to learn disciplines that they have no natural affinity for, they are also forever limited to level 3 of any disciplines outside of their base 3 that they have a 'natural' affinity for.

Sorcery and other Magics not innately tied to your character's Clan/bloodline are under these same restrictions and operate as a discipline.


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Combo-Disciplines (powers that utilize two separate disciplines to create a unique effect) are fairly rare within the Camarilla kindred. Some clans have a few tricks, the Anarchs have a few tricks, and some of the most powerful servants of the Justicarate have a few. Please note that these powers are ONLY purchase-able for those who are listed in the books as having access, regardless if your chararacter qualifies personally. There are two ways to acquire such a thing; one- find a PC or NPC that can teach your charachter (which will allow you to skip the Investigation process). Or two- go through the research yourself, in-character. 


Mastering a combo Discipline is similar to mastering a ritual (discussed below). First, you must complete an Intelligence + Investigation series of down-time actions in order for your character to find enough evidence of this power to begin to piece it together themselves. Once your character has completed this, you must engage in an extended series of downtime actions to master the ability using Intelligence + Occult. The difficulty for these checks is 3+ the highest discipline rating in the effect. The number of successes needed is 5x the highest disciple rating. Once these steps are completed, you may spend experience to acquire this power on your sheet and even help others to learn per the teaching rules discussed in the Character Advancement part of the website. 


Example: A Brujah wishes to develop the Potence + Celerity Combo-Discipline Burning Wrath. They must submit downtime actions to complete their Intelligence + Investigation checks, difficulty of 6 (as the highest level of this power is 3) and obtain 15 successes cumulatively. The same difficulty and threshold are true for the Occult check to master this effect.



In order to begin a character at Emerald CIty Chronicles that has a unique, clan-specific combo-discipline from the Lore of the Clans book, Concept Rarity must be spent at character creation. So if planning a Common Concept, adding a combo-discipline would make it Uncommon, and if starting with an otherwise Uncommon Concept, adding a starting combo-discipline would bump the concept up to Rare. 


There's no Concept Rarity requirement if a combo-discipine is learned in-game, however it does take time (often several months) to research and master.





Once a character learns a type a magic, they can't ever learn another type. Period. Do not pass go, do not collect other rare rituals. Your character has figured out how to apply their will to crack the universe from one angle, and the other angles won't work anymore. Like in Dune with the spice. Like in Mage with the paradigms. The In-Game mechanics now state that one form of sorcery is all a character's brain can hold. The out of game mechanics state you get one; pick wisely. 




Starting characters with access to magic begin play with one level one ritual, presuming they have purchased a dot of Thaumaturgy / Sorcery. All other rituals are subject to individual approval, and are purchased at the cost of 2xp times the level of the ritual (Per Rites of the Blood, pg. 137).


  • XP costs for learning new rituals are found on Pg 136-138 of the Rites of the Blood book. 

  • The length of time and number of successes needed for learning new rituals can be found on on pg. 137 of the Rites of the Blood book.

  • We use both the XP cost AND time requirements for ritual learning that are in the Rites of the Blood book. In addition to this, spending a Downtime action affords a player a number of weeks worth of rolls equal to the number of weeks left in the month.

  • Multiple downtimes may not be spent to double up on ritual research in a given month.

  • Mentors can assist with this process.

  • Subverting rituals from other schools of magic isn't available to PCs.


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Abyss Mysticism · none

Akhu · none

Countermagic, Thaumaturgical · none


Dur-An-Ki · none


Mortis · none


Nahuallotl · none


Necromancy, Voudoun · none


Necromancy, Western · none


Ogham · none


Sadhana · none


Sihr · none

Thaumaturgy · none


Thaumaturgy, Dark · none


Thaumaturgy, Sielanic · none


Sorcery, Assamite · none


Sorcery, Anarch · none


Sorcery, Koldunic · none


Sorcery, Setite · none

Wanga · none



Abombwe · none


Animalism · none


Auspex · none


Bardo · none


Celerity · none


Chimerstry · none


Daimonion · none


Dementation · none


Dominate · none


Flight · none


Fortitude · none


Melpominee · none


Mytherceria · none


Obeah · none


Obfuscate · none


Obtenebration · none


Potence · none


Presence · 1 clarification

Presence 4: Summon (Found on page 195 in the V20 core)

  1. The target of the summons need to be within conversational distance to end the power.

  2. The target needs to present themselves in some way that the power user can acknowledge (acknowledgement isn't required).

  3. If the target is attacked or takes damage on their way to the location from a source that they don't in some way reasonably control, the effect ends.

  4. There are numerous areas of the flavor text that directly imply that the target knows where they are going, but not who summoned them (for instance, buying a ticket from Kyoto to Milwaukee when you only have a vague direction doesn't make any sense at all). 

  5. If the target can present a compelling case for why their unlife is in direct and immediate danger of ending, the power can be thwarted. The burden of this is greater than 'I might get attacked' or the like, it needs to be a compelling case to end their life.


Protean · none


Quietus · none


Sanguinus · none


Serpentis · none


Spiritus · none


Temporis · none


Thanatosis · none


Valeren · none


Vicissitude · none

Visceratika · none

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