S E C T S : A U T A R K I S
Since most clans are a combination of cultural, political, and hereditary ties, to be labeled Autarkis, thus not belonging to the sect of the clans, may entail being labeled a Caitiff, but not necessarily. Becoming an autarkis does not change the blood of the Kindred, but severs the social political ties with the clan proper.
The v20 core book states on pg. 22: Not every Kindred belongs to a Sect, nor swears fealty to a Clan, Prince, Bishop, or other such entity. These Autarkis often lead solitary unlives not unlike hermits or outcasts. The lot of the Autarkis is unique in every case — what drove her into self-rule, and why does the local Sect allow an individual to flout its primacy? In some cases, an Autarkis is beneath notice, as with a Nosferatu who keeps to his warrens on the outskirts of town or an irretrievably damaged Malkavian who dwells in the Barrens. In other cases, the Autarkis is simply too powerful or otherwise ungovernable for the local Sect to bring under its sway. These latter are often terrifying, warlike when prodded, and nearly legendary in the domain. If you’re such a badass that you can thumb your nose at every pack of Templars or Archon strike team the local Kindred call in to force you to toe the line, you’d make a fine Autarkis.
One may become an Autarkis either voluntarily, by retreating from sect and clan politics entirely, or involuntarily, by being forcibly excommunicated by one's sect.
Kindred from and loyal to an Independent clan are known as Independents. There is no such thing as an Independent Brujah, they are autarkis.
It is important to note that being an Autarkis does not make one an Anarch, as although the Anarchs derive their name from the root word Anarchy, the Anarchs do not share any unifying political ideology, but rather a philosophy of egalitarianism. If there were any position more vulnerable than being a Caitiff, it would be being an Autarkis.