S E C T S : I N C O N N U
A Sect of vampires who have removed themselves from Kindred concerns and, largely, the Jyhad. Many Methuselahs are rumored to exist among the Inconnu.
The V20 core book says this about the Inconnu, on pg. 22: The Inconnu is an enigmatic elder Sect about which little is known. Indeed, it seems less of a cogent Sect and more of a confederation of Kindred who seek the state of Golconda, a sort of redemptive transcendence of Damnation. The Sect rarely has more than one or two Kindred in any given domain, and territory acquisitions don’t appear to be part of its agenda. A few territories belong to prominent Inconnu, and thus the Sect may be said to be dominant in that domain, but in most cases of Inconnu presence, a “Monitor” takes up residence in another Sect’s domain to watch its affairs and pursue her own salvation. What the Sect formally wants — if anything — remains unknown, and speculation runs rampant as to their origin. Some believe that they are little more than a cult of would-be gods while others suspect that they are the remnants of an ancient Roman conspiracy that pre-dates the modern idea of Sects.
Some among the Inconnu are said to possess the secrets of Golconda, and to aid actively in its attain- ment — then again, there are many rumors concerning these recluses.
Not much is known about the internal organization of the Inconnu. According to rumors, they answer to a central Council of Twelve in the Carpathians, who in turn over see a complicaetd web of Monitors that watch several supernatural institutions and locations. Traveling agents of the sect are named Equites.
One cannot simply join the ranks of the Inconnu by asking; when one has expressed a true desire to exempt himself from the Jyhad, as well as displayed the wisdom and power to make the separation from one’s previous unlife, the Inconnu shall extend an invitation. There is also evidence to indicate that Inconnu accept only those of the Sixth Generation or lower into it's ranks.