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S E C T S : T H E   C A M A R I L L A   T R A D I T I O N S


The Traditions form the legal backbone of Camarilla society, although in modern nights, the Prince fulfills the elder role outlined in the traditions. Most vampiric culture springs from the Traditions —presentation is outlined in the Tradition of Hospitality, the Blood Hunt in the Tradition of Destruction and the parceling of land in the Tradition of Domain.


The V20 core book has this to say about the Traditions on pg. 22: Vampires observe a set of customs that exists somewhere between being coded into their undead natures and a social contract that’s ratified every night among the courts of the Damned. Not every vampire affords the idea of the Traditions the respect they deserve — the Sabbat in particular make bold claims about the flaws of the Traditions and the weak wills of those who hide behind them — but in practice, most vampires observe the Traditions to some extent. This is most true of the Masquerade, for as bold as the Sabbat or Anarchs may be, even they don’t have the concentrated might to stand against a world of mortals who learn the secret that the undead walk among them.


Interpreting and enforcing the Traditions is the privilege and responsibility of the Kindred Prince. In some domains, particularly those of non-Camarilla Sects, both the titles and the Traditions themselves may vary, but the core principle is found everywhere: That an undead authority makes the rules and woe to any who feel that they don’t have to heed them. 


The first tradition: The Masquerade

Thou shall not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. 
Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.


The second tradition: The Domain

Thy domain is thine own concern. 
All others owe thee respect while in it. 
None may challenge thy word while in thy domain.


The third tradition: The Progeny

Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine Elder. 
If thou createst another without thine Elder’s leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain.


The fourth tradition: The Accounting

Those thou create are thine own children. 
Until thy Progeny shall be Released, thou shall command them in all things. 
Their sins are thine to endure.


The fifth tradition: The Hospitality

Honor one another’s domain. 
When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there.
Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing.


The sixth tradition: The Destruction

Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind. 
The right of destruction belongeth only to thine Elder. 
Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt.


Role in Kindred Society:


Basic breakdown of the six traditions:

  • Masquerade: Hide the existence of vampires.

  • Domain: A kindred's hunting ground is his own territory, and he rules it absolutely.

  • Progeny: Sire only with permission of one's elders.

  • Accounting: Until childer are released, their actions are the responsibility of their sire.

  • Hospitality: Honor the domains of others, and present oneself to the ruler of any domain you visit.

  • Destruction: The right to kill Kindred is reserved for the Prince of a city. Only a Prince may call a Blood Hunt.

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