How Concept Rarity Works When it Comes to Creating Characters
Concept rarity is a bit complicated, so we've explained it a bit more here. Basically, the 'starting point' is a Camarilla City in the Modern Nights. Staff decides what is common to that setting, what is uncommon to that setting, and what is rare to that setting, and then breaks those thing down into categories that you can 'spend' the rarity from your character creation bead draw on. If you somehow got here before reading about the Books and Boundaries of the game, take a look at that first in, you guessed it, the Books and Boundaries section.

As for Camarilla vampires - we allow an Unlimited number - As this is the core focus of our Modern Nights game, you never need to worry about this sect being capped, though magic users are an exception to this. For the total Independents AND Anarchs - up to 20% of active characters will be allowed to personify these concepts in-game. For other, even rarer concepts, see Other Bloodlines below.
The world, via NPC and PC pressure will be levied by the Storytellers via background NPCs putting pressure on PCs, direct NPC actions and other forms of story-related intervention should character concepts grow much beyond the caps for Independent Clans and members of the Anarch Sect, however these caps are to be considered 'soft', because they may grow or shrink with game size. We do limit in-city numbers of some Clans and concepts, as can be seen below. Limits are logical to the setting for an average Camarilla city in the Modern Nights. Some limits have been made with an eye toward game balance, such as limits for sorcerer classes to keep the fireballs below Michael Bay levels of intensity.
The following Clans and bloodlines are broken down as commonly approved for play in the Camarilla vampire game:
Common Clans:

Remember, Concept rarity refers to what would be common, uncommon and rare in a Camarilla city, in the Modern Nights.
X3 Tremere is common. X5 Tremere is uncommon. X7 Tremere is rare.
X3 Giovanni is common. X5 Giovanni is uncommon. X7 Giovanni is rare.
X1 Assamite is common. X3 Assamite is uncommon. X5 Assamite is rare.
X1 Setite is common. X3 Setites is uncommon. X5 Setites is rare.
X1 Ravnos is uncommon. X2 Ravnos is rare.
X1 Lasombra anti-tribu is uncommon. There is no current Rare slot.
X1 Tzimisce anti-tribu is rare.
X2 Daughters of Cacophony are rare.
X1 Gargoyle is rare.
Playing a bloodline of any of the 13 Base Clans increases the rarity of the concept by a degree.
Playing an Anarch concept increases the rarity of any concept by a degree.
Playing a magic concept of a clan that has magic associated with it but not as one of their core disciplines increases the rarity of that concept by a degree (primarily this refers to Anarchs, Lasombra, Tzimisce and Setites).
Starting with any clan-specific combo-discipline increases the rarity of that concept by a degree.
Rarity additions stack with one another: Thusly a Lasombra with access to his Clan's magic will always be a Rare concept. As another example, a bloodline of a Clan who is also an Anarch is a Rare concept, or an Anarch with magic is also a Rare concept. If additions would make your concept greater than Rare, or you didn't draw a Concept Rarity bead high enough to justify it, you aren't allowed to play this concept.
Certain Clan-based merits, flaws, disciplines or other items in the Lore of the Clans book are unique to Sects other than the Camarilla. For example, the antitribu version of a given Clan are often those that are dedicated to the Camarilla Sect's fiercest rivals, the Sabbat. Those powers and abilities would therefore not be common to a Camarilla vampire in the Modern Nights.
The same restrictions govern powers that call out any other Sects, such as Anarchs, Inconnu, etc. So please be aware that anything which calls out another Sect other than the Camarilla in the book's text will have Concept Rarity associated with it of at least Uncommon, if not Rare (at least one bump up in rarity). This means that at character creation, concept rarity must be available to be spent in order for your character to have these items walking in the door, and after character creation, only those with still available and unused rarity may have the opportunity to learn these oddities. Without either, these items are not available for play, and would be much better suited to a chronicle more focused around those other Sects.
The following guide may help you understand Concept Rarity. Recall that all rarity is from the perspective of a standard Camarilla City in the Modern Nights, and anything that deviates from that costs rarity.
& Elders
Tremere X3
Assamite X1
Giovanni X3
Setite X1
Tremere #4 or 5
Setite #2 or 3
Giovanni #4 or 5
Assamite #2 or 3
Anarch X3
Lasombra anti-tribu
Tzimisce anti-tribu X1
Sabbat, Black Hand, Inquisition or Tal Mahe Ra
Tremere w/Standard Thaum
In-Clan powers
UNLIMITED Common Merits
Ravnos X2
Setite #4 or 5
Tremere # 6 or 7
Giovanni # 6 or 7
Assamite #4 or 5
Secret Bloodline X2
Cam City Gangrel
Uncommon Merits
Starting w/ in-clan combo discipline
Sabbat clans, anti-tribu affiliated with the Sabbat
Extinct or Dark Ages Clans
Non-Vampire Creatures
Non-Vampire Creatures
Non-Vampire Creature powers
Disciplines, Attributes or Abilites above 5
Rare Merits
Non-standard magic Path or Rituals on magic user
Any Magic on a non-magic user clan
Secret Bloodline X2
Mortal Hunters Secret Bloodline X2
Generation below 8th
Any other Clan-unique or antitribu power
Unused or capped Merits
Capped & 'full' traits
Ghouls over 250yrs old
More than 25% Independents & Anarchs
Things to keep in mind:
2 Uncommon things = a Rare Concept.
3 Uncommon things = Out of scope for the game.
Rarity may shift depending on how may players are playing a particular concept from week to week.
Anarch w/ Punk Sorcery
Camarilla core Clan with an antitribu power
An Archon's Servior
Camarilla Justicar, or Inner CIrcle
An Alastor's Auditor or Bellator
Archon or Alastor powers
16th Gen Thinbloods
Methuselah level abilities (above 5)
Setite w/Blood Sorcery
Assamite w/Blood Sorcery
Assamite Vizier w/Blood Sorcery
Gargoyle X1
Daughter of Cacophony X2
Abyss Mysticism
Mortal Hunters
The Storytellers will also manage a Secret Cap of 2 total bloodline oddities throughout the entire game. Bloodlines not shown above are pitchable to staff and subject to a secret waiting list that will be shared with Player Advocates (to eliminate any chance or perception of favoritism). Included in this cap would be things like Daughters of Cacophany, Gargoyles, the rare Sabbat infiltrator to the Camarilla and daywalking thinbloods.
When a slot for a special bloodline is open, the player on the waiting list for a bloodline will be given one month (4 game sessions) to choose to take the character type and build a new character. In that month, they may wrap up their old character with staff's assistance. Entering play with the new character signifies the player's willing, permemnant retirement of any prior characters.
If a player's character concept doesn't gain approval as an acceptable concept within one month of the offer, the slot passes to the next player on the list. (SEE Acceptable Concepts NOTE below)
Players must declare the clan/concept beforehand to be on the waiting list at all.
Players may only be on one single waiting list (you may not be on a waiting list for a Daughter of Cachophany AND a Gargoyle, for example). You must choose one, and only one.
Acceptable Concepts NOTE: When pitching a rare bloodline concept to staff, while backstory is important, the staff will give special consideration to concepts that fit with and support the chronicle we're building that bring engaging, shared stories to the game. Disruptive concepts, or concepts that the staff does not feel belong within a Camarilla chronicle (Such as Sabbat bloodlines) may be declined outright.

From V20 Core Book
X2 Additional Clan Discipline is common, X4 is uncommon, X6 is rare
X2 Calm Heart is common, X5 is uncommon, X7 is rare
X2 Enchanting Voice is common, X5 is uncommon, X7 is rare
X1 Hidden Diablerie is common, X2 is uncommon, X3 is rare
X1 Iron Will is common, 3 is uncommon and X5 is rare
X1 Magic-Resistant is common, 3 is uncommon and X5 is rare
X2 Medium is common, X4 is uncommon, X6 is rare
X0 Nine Lives are common, X1 is uncommon and X2 is rare
X1 Oracular is common, X2 is uncommon, X3 is rare
X1 True Faith is rare
X1 Unbondable is common, X2 is uncommon, X3 is rare
From Lore of the Clans
Broken Antritrbu is not approved for play. Flaw inappropriate for setting since every Assamite is still under the Tremere curse
Followers of Set (Setites):
X0 Setite Initiate (For NON-Setites Only) is common, X1 is uncommon and X2 is rare
X1 Totemic Change is uncommon, X2 is rare
Mortuario - Increases the base Giovanni rarity by a degree. Only one is allowed in play.
Court Favorite is not approved for play. It is not appropriate for Camarilla vampires.
King or Queen of Shadow is not approved for play. It is not appropriate for Camarilla vampires.
Instrument of God increases the rarity by one step.
Commune with the Abyss is not approved for play.
Vision of Shadow is not approved for play.
X1 Cold Read is uncommon, X2 is rare.
X1 Sleep Unseen is common, X2 is uncommon, X3 is rare.
X1 False Reflection is uncommon, X2 is rare.
Spawning Pool must be purchased after Character Creation.
Heart of Needles increases rarity a step.
X1 Slowed Degeneration is common, X2 is uncommon, X3 is rare.
Keys to the Library is not appropriate for a PC run chantry.
X1 Unmarked Antitribu is rare
Quartermaster is not appropriate for a PC run chantry.
Promethean Clay is not approved for play.
Revenant Disciplines is not approved for play.
X1 Blessed by St. Gustav is rare.
Got a solid vampire character concept? Ready to start putting together your character sheet and assigning dots and XP to your character? CLICK HERE for step by step Vampire Creation instructions.