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NOTE: If you are looking for rules to make NPC Ghouls to serve your Vampire, see the RETAINERS house rule.


All ghouls are presumed to be built with common/common/common bead draws in most cases. 


Embracing PCs ghouls while in the course of normal game play requires the Right of Progeny to be earned in character by the potential Sire of the vampire. New vampires begin one generation higher than their Sire, (one step farther away from Caine) and are forever limited to one status lower than their Sires. If Embraced, and the character does not have the Concept rarity to play the Clan they are Embraced into, the character becomes a Caitiff. The only exception is if they have been actively playing the character for an extended period of time, (a minimum of six months), then they have a chance of becoming the Clan that Embraced them.


Step One: Character Concept (pg. 497)

  • General concept questions to consider:

    • Who have you become as a Ghoul?

    • Why were you given Vitae?

    • Who were you before you became a Ghoul?

    • What Clan is your character's Domitor from?


  • Choose an Archetype for your character's Nature and Demeanor. There's a list of examples on pg. 87 of the V20 Core Book.


Step Two: Record Initial Experience Points (XP)

  • You may spend XP that you have banked from previous roleplay within ECC. (Post-reset only)


Step Two: Select Attributes (pg. 498)

  • Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (6/4/3). Your character automatically has one dot in each Attribute.

    • Rate Physical Traits: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina.

    • Rate Social Traits: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance.

    • Rate Mental Traits: Perception, Intelligence, Wits.

    • Select specialties for any Attributes at either the 4th or 5th dot level. 


Step Three: Select Abilities (pg. 498)

  • Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (11/7/4).

    • Choose Talents, Skills, Knowledges.

    • No Ability higher than 3 at this stage


Step Four: Select Advantages (pg. 499)

  • Choose Disciplines (1 in-clan for the Ghoul's Domitor, plus Potence 1),

  • Choose Backgrounds (5) Ghouls may not purchase vampire backgrounds:

    Black Hand Membership, Domain, Generation, Herd, Mentor, Rituals, Status, Anarch Information Exchange, Anarch Status, Armory - Obviously vampire-only merits/flaws won't apply as well.

  • Rate Virtues (5 for revenants and Sabbat ghouls, 7 for all others). Your character automatically has one dot in each Virtue.


Step Five: Finishing Touches (pg. 499)

  • Record Humanity (equal to Conscience + Self- Control)

    • Ghouls cannot take a Path of Enlightenment.

  • Record Willpower (equal to Courage)

  • Record Blood Pool (1).

  • Spend freebie points (21).

    • Select specialties for any Attributes or Abilities raised to the 4th and 5th dot level with Freebies. 


Step Six: Choose Merits & Flaws (pg. 479)

  • Assign as many Freebie points worth of merits to your character as you feel like you can afford. Each point of a Merit costs one Freebie. 

  • Assign up to 7 points worth of flaws to your character. Each point provides one Freebie in return. 

    • It is possible to take up to 10 points of flaws, though you only get Freebies back for the first 7.

  • Merits and Flaws are tracked by the STs and limited in availability so that the same merit or flaw does not appear over and over throughout the game.

    • Merits & Flaws are restricted to a specific number of unique merits of each type in play game-wide at any given time. So there may only ever be a max of two characters in play with Deceptive Aura and two characters with Healing Touch, and so on. Rules for that are here


Step Seven: Spend Initial XP

  • After purchasing merits and adding Freebies from flaws, if you have banked any previous experience that is unspent, you may use your remaining initial XP to:

    • Purchase more attributes, abilities or backgrounds.

    • Purchase additional dots of your character's Domitor's in-clan disciplines (Restricted by the Domitor's Generation Background. (pg. 499)

    • Purchase physical out-of clan disciplines: Celerity, Fortitude, Potence.

    • Purchase another dot of Virtues, Humanity or Willpower. 


Step Eight: Finishing Touches (pg. 85)

  • Note the character’s total Blood points (Usually 1).

  • Note the character’s total dots of Willpower

  • Note the character’s total health levels.


Step Nine: Before the Game

  • Take your character’s background, character questionnaire and two (2) completed character sheets to your Storyteller for approval.

  • Prepare your costume, print out your sheet for easy reference, and go to game!


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