We don't offer or require fully statted ghouls sheets for the Retainers of PC vampires at our game. Firstly, that's a bunch of extra work when most folks would rather be playing. Secondly, access to up to five additional sets of min-maxed die pools represents one of the more broken backgrounds most edition of these games. Therefore, we offer a simplified, but still useful Retainer's system more in line with the cost of a dot of a background. This system does not account for PC ghouls, who may have their own stats and sheets per the Ghoul Creation rules.
Pick 3 things your Retainer is awesome at - each retainer has 8 dice in those checks for awesome things. These must be tied to a single Ability (Firearms, Performance, Occult, etc).
Retainers have 3 dice in every other check.
You may choose a merit instead of an extra awesome thing for a Retainer
Retainers (and Allies) do not gain the mechanical advantage of a Specialty. They are already potent enough as it is; this is the realm of PCs and other Supernatural beings.
There will be 5 max retainers per player character ever.
PC ghouls (ghouls actually played by players) may have retainers, but must have at least one dot of Resources per dot of Retainer to justify non-blood bonded, paid assistants.
Retainers are not omnipresent. Retainers are considered to be with their Domitor during the day, should an attack occur on his or her Haven. Retainers are not necessarily assumed to be with the vampire for ambushes during play. Players should specify with Staff if they are being escorted by their ghouls.
Retainers can perform approximately the equivalent of one downtime action a month. While they have more humanity than a vampire, they are assumed to have spent most of their days protecting their masters, and have difficulty focusing on tasks outside of that task.
Keep a stamped/signed card handy for each Retainer (example below):
Lucretia Samson - Nightclub Singer
Retainer - Ghoul
Level: Ghoul #1
Primary Feats (8 dice):
Putting on a Show (Performance)
Seducing Investors (Subterfuge),
Obtaining Contraband (Streetwise)