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There are several unique backgrounds introduced by the V20 suppliment Lore of the Clans. These backgrounds are purchasable at Character Creation, and may be purchasable after that time at Storyteller discretion.


Every Build Remains Unique

Clan Backgrounds may never be learned by those other than the Clans they were intended for, or taught to anyone outside of that clan regardless of what prerequisites outsider characters may meet. These backgrounds are meant only to support the builds of the specific character types for which they were intended.


Background Effecting Merits & Flaws

In addition to several unique Clan backgrounds, there are also a number of merits and flaws that may directly effect the use, cost or function of some backgrounds for some Clan characters with those specific traits. We've also included a few of those mentioned below for ease. In some cases the acessibility of some of these Merits & Flaws is based on Concept Rarity.


Out of Sect Clan Powers

Certain merits, flaws, disciplines or other items in the Lore of the Clans book are specifically called out as unique to Sects other than the Camarilla. For example, the antitribu version of a given Clan are those that are dedicated to the Camarilla's fiercest rivals, the Sabbat. Those Sabbat-engineered powers and abilities would therefore not be common to a Camarilla vampire in the modern nights. The same goes for powers or merits that call out any other Sects, such as Anarchs, Inconnu, etc. So please be aware that anything which calls out another Sect other than the Camarilla in the book's text will have Concept rarity associated with it of at least Uncommon, if not Rare. This means that at character creation, concept rarity must be available to be spent in order for your character to have these items walking in the door, and after character creation, only those with still available and unused rarity may have the opportunity to learn these oddities. Without either, these items are not available for play, and would be much better suited to a chronicle more focused around those other Sects.


Learning Clan Specific Backgrounds After Creation

It's possible that characters will need to engage a Mentor to learn a Clan specific background in some cases. In other cases sufficient justification may be associated with the character's current environment or previous backstory. For example, a Tremere who enters the city and is invited to join the Chantry would find easy justification to add to the existing Library track of the Tremere Clan's Communal Haven, though collecting new Riruals to store in the library might have to come from her Sire, at the cost of a boon or other favor.


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Alternate Identity

Alternate Identity

Anarch Information Exchange

Anarch Information Exchange



Black Hand Membership

Black Hand Membership





Communal Haven

Communal Haven





























The general rule of thumb is that if your character didn't start with a particular trait, it's a good idea to ask your storyteller if any particular justification is needed. Some backgrounds, such as the Giovanni Memento de Morte may require quests to obtain Relics or Fetters to add to the power level of the background, or at the very least, some explaination as to why the character should have access to a greater trove of objects with ghostly resonances from beyond the Sudario.


As always, the use of some backgrounds may require the expenditure of a Downtime action, so please keep that in mind prior to those requests.




Dynamic Personality - Merit that effects Backgrounds


  • Per the book, Brujah with this merit can purchase new Backgrounds with experience points at a lower cost.

  • The available Backgrounds are Allies, Contacts, Herd, Retainers.

  • Each new dot costs the current rating in experience points.




Memento de Morte - Background


  • Giovanni only Background.

  • Costs are the same as other backgrounds both at character creation and with Freebies and XP.

  • Each level of this background represents a single item.

  • Items are not indestructable and can be stolen or destroyed if not cared for.

  • Bonuses only apply to Necromancy Rituals, not all Necromancy rolls.


Spirit Slaves - Background


  • Giovanni only Background.

  • Costs are the same as other backgrounds both at character creation and with Freebies and XP.

  • Only base Wraiths are appropriate for play; no 'greater powered' spirits.

  • Each dot in this background represents a single Wraith.

  • Select 2 traits that each Wraith is good at, similar to the Allies Background. 

  • It's not necessary to spend permenant Willpower to re-bind a wraith each year and a day that is purchased with this background.

  • The Spirit Slaves background may be pooled in a coterie, but only among other Giovanni. Non-Gios may never benefit from this background in that way.




Secret Stash - Merit that effects Backgrounds


  • The Lasombra only merit may only be used to create a number of Background points equal to the Merit rank, and then the merit disappears, having been transferred into backround points permenantly.

  • Only the backgrounds listed in the merit can be created in this way.

  • Backgrounds created in this way may never exceed 5.




Nosferatu Information Network


  • Nosferatu only Background.

  • Costs are the same as other backgrounds both at character creation and with Freebies and XP.

  • Acts and functions exactly like Anarch Information Exchange (only with Nosferatu Schrecknet flavor)

  • Nosferatu characters are not assumed to have a Schrecknet terminal (Lore of the Clans, pg. 165) upon entering game. This is an item that must be quested for in game or given in game (in most cases by another Nosferatu).


Vaishya - Merit that effects Backgrounds


  • Vaishya jati Ravnos only may benefit from the 'extra' Background.

  • Per the book, this cannot go above 5.

  • Per the book, this can only be used once per session.




Chantry - Background


Within the Lore of the Clans book, the Tremere have access to a background called 'chantry'. While staff has vigorously debated the topic, we have found that the majority of this background doesn't fit within the Communal Haven system we have already built, and grants vast and unreasonable advantage to Tremere characters. We have, at this time, elected to only allow the Library background into game.

  • Library will function as another branch of the Communal Haven only available to the Chantry (read: ONE per city, no private 'library' perks). It will function largely how the background is printed with the following clarifications, and is only available to Tremere PCs.

  • When purchased, the library comes with a ritual of that level, selected by the Regent. It contains no other rituals until players spend downtime actions scribing them to the library.

  • When a Ritual is present within the library, and the Tremere in question has access to the library (as determined by the Regent), the Investigation step may be skipped. The Tremere may also add the Library's rating in dice to their Occult check for mastery (please note that only ONE background may be added to the Mastery check). 

  • If a Library should ever fall in level, the Tremere hierarchy comes in and removes all rituals contained in that library of those levels it has lost. For example, if a Tremere dies (or the player quits), and the Library rating drops from 5 to 3, all 4th and 5th level rituals will be lost forever. If these levels are regained at a later time, they will not have access to the rituals lost.

  • The Regent (and only the Regent) may petition the Tremere Lord for rituals to be added directly to the library. This will involve questing and it's possible the application will still be denied.

Paths of Thaumaturgy are far too complex to put down to books alone; Library may not contain Paths of Magic within them, only rituals.


  • Tremere only background - Most of this medieval chantry building background isn't used in a Camarilla Modern Nights game.

  • Only the Library track of the Chantry background is available - and this may be represented by a new track in the Communal Haven Background.

  • Per the book, Library adds a number of dice to Ritual Research rolls, as well as it's other functions, such as storing Rituals.

  • Only the Tremere may add the Library track to their Communal Haven.

  • Guardians - not used - Herd, Retainers, Allies and Contacts, along with the Security track of Communal Haven is sufficient.

  • Stores - not used - See Equipment for access to weapons, items and armor.

  • Research Laboratory - not used - Ritual research rolls are per Rites of the Blood pgs. 137-138

  • Sanctity not used - Replaced by Clan Perk in the Communal Haven background.




Faceless - Flaw that effects Backgrounds


  • Per the book, this Flaw affects some Backgrounds (V20, p. 110).

  • Without a stable face, Alternate Identity and Fame cannot be maintained.

  • Backgrounds like Allies, Contacts, Influence, and Status might be complicated by the lack of a solid identity as well.

  • The Mistaken Identity Flaw (V20, p. 450) cannot be taken. Other Merits/Flaws may be affected, at the Storyteller’s discretion.


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