Titles are covered in the V20 core book and in depth in the V20 Companion
Titles range in dots from 1 (the lowly Hound of a Sherriff or the Prince's mere Herald) to 7 (a Camarilla Justicar or the Dux Baron prime warlord of the entire Sect). In addition to the general, passive prestige of having a title within an established Prince's domain and the respect that is due, Titles may also add to 'personal status' when making social rolls against others related to that title's duties at the cost of a Willpower point. In this way, it is possible, for example for an Elder Prince to have as many as 10 Status between her personal standing and the weight of her Title (Prince is a 5 dot Title) in the Camarilla in a social challenge. Chances are, if she has the will to make her point, she will win most arguements related to her city's policy.
Titles grant the ability to spend WIllpower to add Title dots to status related social rolls. If your character gains a title you must spend XP per titles pg. 17 of the V20 Companion in order to physically gain the ability to spend Willpower to add Title to Status for Social challenges. Otherwise your character does not have this ability, they are a Seneschal/Scourge/Primogen, etc. in name only, with little weight. Everyone can tell that your character's heart just isn't in the job, and the vultures may start to circle. If and when a Title is lost, any XP spent is lost as well. Fortunately, 'licensing' your character's titles is cheap (1 XP per dot of title).
The Prince makes the rules in her Domain, period, however traditionally, a Sheriff may appoint a Hound. A Prince may choose not to recognize the title of a lesser position if she chooses, however she runs the risk of offending the very Kindred she appointed to choose it. Princes may also appoint lesser titles to Kindred specifically to spite the greater position.
Moving from a lesser title to a greater title (Say, from Hound 1pt. to Sheriff, 2pts) will cost you a difference in XP of the title dots. In this case, if you have purchased the title 'Hound' and the Prince promotes you for whatever reason, you need only pay the 1 xp difference to acquire 'Sheriff'. Moving from a greater title to a lesser has a greater social cost than an XP one. Chances are there is some embarrassment or hurt feelings (hopefully all In-Character) over these actions. If one was the Seneschal and asked to assume the mantle of Sheriff, these titles could be transitioned between with no xp cost associated with them. In order to qualify for a transitional title, you need to have purchased the title you are moving from, and you must declare your intention of purchasing your new title with the papertable within one week of this transition.
Clan-Specific Titles replace the old 'clan prestige' of Revised. This is per pg. 31 of the V20 Companion.
Clan Titles are city based only and usually do not extend outside of a given city for PC's. Out of city rankings within Clan titles represent high-level movers and shakers in that particular Clan's higherarchy. (Any Clan title above 4 is by default an out of city rank). Each Title has a duty that must be performed that justifies the title's existance, and it is acting in the persuit of that duty that justifies an expenditure of Willpower toward adding to a social check within the Clan.
PC's from each Clan select a Clan Leader (or one declares themselves and nobody complains or their background lends itself to a particular rank, or whatever players decide amongst themselves depending on the flavor of the Clan, or the staff decides via regular polling). Clan Leader is a 4 point Title, which may be named whatever the players of that Clan decide (Lord, Alpha, Don, etc.). If the elected PC pays the 4xp for that Clan Leader Title, she now has the ability to spend Willpower to grant other, smaller titles from 3-1. The names of those titles and their responsibilities are up to the players of the Clans to decide.
As with all Titles, the ability to spend Willpower to add a Title's dots to the character's regular Status background for Clan-related social checks depends on whether the player makes the Title 'real' by spending actual XP on it. The Clan Leader may remove Clan Titles by spending Willpower as well. Doing so does not return any spent XP to the 'downgraded' character.
Of note, Whips have their own powers and may not act as the Primogen when not present in V20. (That's not a power of the Primogen to grant any longer, (nor a power of the Whip itself). In our game, Whips are not appointed by the Primogen, but are instead appointed by the Clan Head. The Clan Head may also strip that Title.
There are no set rules for ousting a Clan Leader from their position. Each Clan handles that differently, and it would be wise to determine that before 'electing' a Clan Leader.

Suggested Clan Titles (1-4 are In-City and available to
PC's 5+ are Out of City ranked and NPC only):
Example of Status Backgrounds & Both In-City, Out Of City and Clan Titles:

Assamite Clan Titles
7 dot - The Du’at: The Eldest. Three of the most powerful Assamites in history, individually named Caliph, Amr and Vizier, and each the heads of each caste of the Assamite Clan.
6 dot - Sisila: An organization of Elders in Alamut that manages the well of the heartsblood and sets the value of contracts from the Mountain. No loyal Assamite ever takes a contract not vetted (and priced) by this council.
5 dot - Councilor of Scrolls: An advisory body of fifteen Assamites consisting primarily of viziers and sorcerers
4 dot - City Clan Head: "The Eagle of <insert city>". Usually the Eldest and most blooded of the assasins in a city. Primary duty involves communicating with the Sisila to negotiate contracts and enforcing the Laws of Haquim.
3 dot - Castellan: The lord of the local Eagle's Nest, charged with managing the communal resources of the assasins, in particular, their Communal Haven.
2 dot - Rafiq: The Clan's lorekeeper and scholar. Also keeps the names of the dead and keeps a formal accounting of the blood taken in by a Nest.
1 dot - Fida'i: A blooded assasin, a Title given to one who keeps the Laws of Haquim and has sucessfully completed Release as a Kindred allowed by the Sisila in Alamut to accept Contracts they approve of.

Al Dradi Assamite
Character type: Uncommon
Caste bead draw: Common
Status Background: 2 dots
Camarilla Title: Scourge (1 dot)
Clan Title: Rafiq (2 dot)
Al Dradi is a thoughtful Rafiq assasin, who understands the worth of collecting Vitae for the Well of the Heartsblood and uses his duties as Scourge to do so.

Brujah Clan Titles
7 dot - Councilor (defunct). The Brujah Council once existed in Russia, and not one of them survived. Not that the larger Clan ever listened to them too closely anyway. In reality, most of the Brujah Clan feels more comfortable with a greater degree of autonomy.
6 dot - The Man. If you don't know him, you don't know Jack. It's not really a title. It's just The Man. There's only one, and there will ever only be one. It doesn't matter what Sect he's in, just fucking deal with it.
4 dot - In-City Clan Head: Commander, The Boss, The Guy, The Chick in Charge, The-one-holding-the-chain-of-command, which-is-the-chain-I-use-to-beat-you-with-until-you-understand-who-is-in-command. There's not a set Title for the Brujah in charge of the Rabble in a given city, yet when you say the Title out loud, every Brujah in the room knows instantly whose in charge. Only charisma and prowess stands to be in common between one city and the next in the Brujah Clan, and that's just the way they like it.
3 dot - Warrior: Say what you will about the vaunted philosophers of the Brujah Clan, there are few who gain more instantaneous respect than a Brujah Warror. This title exemplifies the established fighter that is the first to put themself in harms way and the last to leave the battlefield. Usually is only awarded when a Brujah survives a protracted, life-threatening campaign. A ready majority of the Brujah Clan aspires to this Title, regardless of Sect.
2 dot - Troubador: History is replete with epic poems and songs that recount the battles of mighty warriors. A modern troubador recalls the list of the fallen, and reminds the Brujah why they are known as the warrior poets.
1 dot - Rugged: Individualist Brujah that know their way around the Clan and can speak clearly about their camp are often spoken of as Rugged, for defending their viewpoint from the other two camps is a constant struggle.
1 dot - Bombast: Iconoclast Brujah are clasically results-driven and status-quo averse. A member of this camp that has made a flashyname for themselves is cometimes referred to as a Bombast, or, in certain urban circles, that trait starts to slide into what others commonly mistake as 'bomb ass'.
1 dot - Jutting Chin - Idealist Brujah have a way of sticking their neck out for the underdog, a dangerous proposition for a Kindred considering the cost of decapitation. Those in the Idealist camp who actively foster justice and stick to a strict code of honor (whatever that means to them) earn this title.

Billious Brujah
Character type: Player
Caste bead draw: Rare
Status Background: 5 dots
Camarilla Title: Seneschal (4 dots)
Clan Title: Bombast (1 dot)
Billious is at the top of the Camarilla ladder. Aside from a Princedom or an almost assured eventual posting as an Archon, he's got it all. His Clan considers him a bit of a prat however. As Seneschal to the Prince, however, he's 'their' prat. He'll earn his way into better graces with them soon enough, he imagines.

Followers of Set Clan Titles
7 dot - Grand Hierophant - Ironically because of the cell-like nature of Setite Temples, most Setites don't know who the Grand Hierophant is at any given time. The Prime Temple of the Followers of Set in Egypt has been destroyed and rebuilt so many times over the centuries by zealous Ventrue Knights and Tal mahe' Ra Templars convinced Setites are demon-worshipers, or vengeful desert werewolves seeking to take back their homeland, that the temple's existance is shrouded in ruins and layers of mystery.
6 dot - Khadive of Sands - The Khadive's role is a primarily political one, since everyone in every other Clan assumes that the Setites are based primarily out of Egypt. This Title is much closer to 'ambassador' or 'special envoy' than an actual leadership position, but it is an important one. Sometimes when higherarchical clans like the Tremere and Ventrue come together to 'deal with the Setite problem' it is far easier to point them to a figurehead than to explain how decentralized cells of Setites are far easier to purge in a witch-hunt. The goal of the Khadive is to prevent such a purge, usually with bribes.
5 dot - Aon's Chosen - It is said that every now and again one of the Aeons chooses to inhabit a devout Follower of Set to go about it's unholy deeds personally. This Title hasn't been granted for centuries, and the consequences of such a thing would have far-reaching religious consequences for the Followers should it occur again. The general feeling that is had about this duty is that if one were to claim to be inhabited by an Aon and it wasn't true, they risk that Aeon's ultimately horrific disfavor.
4 dot - In-City Clan Head - Hierophant: The Hierophant is the leader of a Temple, and a Temple is the de-facto name given to any allied group of Setites. Since Followers of Set have multiple castes and may serve any number of Gods beneath Sutekh, often, the Hierophant's duty is simply to hold regular prayer meetings and suggest a focus for future meetings and activities. For a Hierophant with a vison, however, this is often not enough. Many Hierophants ultimately yearn for a method of veneration of Sutekh that rivals the very Pyramids at Giza, but such a vision takes time and draws enemies. At the very least, the Hierophant must be that one that puts together a temple's Blasphemy Shrine, or oversees it's creation, if a more sorcerous Setite is willing to perform the rite. The existence of a Blasphemy Shrine is the central focus of the Setite religion, and a temple just isn't a temple without one. Aside from that, a Hierophant must develop his temple, and those within it as well.
3 dot - Purifier: Mortals are the backbone of any good Follower temple. They are it's slaves, it's worshipers, it's very life's blood. A wise hierophant knows that only those Setites who are masters at corrupting mortals toward their vices are capable of calling the appropriate chosen to serve their gods. The purifier's duty is tantamount to maintaining a Temple's power in a city, through Herd, Influence and control over the most deeply initiated mortals.
2 dot - Divine Scribe: The knowledge of the Aeons is shrouded in the mists of time and hidden by the shadows of fallen empires. When a city's Hierophant dedicates a Follower to transcribing the ancient texts, faded papyrus and crumbling tablets, it requires a studious mind, and a deep commitment to Sutekh. A scribe must collect, translate and protect all of the hidden teachings of the Aons.
1 dot - Prophet: To be fair, every Setite claims to feel the hands of the Aons slithering inside them, but it takes a special kind of crazy to admit that out loud to the members of outside Sects, such as the Camarilla, Anarchs or Sabbat. Still, open recruitment is seen by some as more 'honest' than sly manipulation and deciet, and every con-artist knows that a good distraction can be worth it's weight in stolen Roman gold. No real prophesy comes to most with this title, but plenty of attention does. It's the duty of a Prophet to actively recruit from outside of the Setite Clan.

Serena Setite
Character type: Player
Caste bead draw: Common
Status Background: 0 dots
Camarilla Title: None
Clan Title: Clan Head: Hierophant (4 dot)
Serena is beneath the Camarilla's notice, but that suits her well. As head of her Temple she commands the power of the Aons, and cults of mortal thraws bow at her feet. The vaunted Camarilla will have their chance to recognize her worth and might when she leads her Temple to herald the rise of her Dark God.

Gangrel Clan Titles
7 dot - Grand Alpha: This is not a standing Title for the Gangrel. No Kindred of this Clan holds it for long. It is simply granted by the one who calls and presides over an All Thing. During that time, the Grand Alpha's word is Law among the Beast Clan. It falls to the Grand Alpha to delegate the settling of disputes, the event's security, and delegate enough blood to be available so that the party can go on without breaking the Masquerade wide open. After the All Thing, the Title is set aside. Decisions made by a Grand Alpha at an All Thing have been known to change the path of the entire Clan, however.
6 dot - Green Man/Woman: A title given to an Ancient that dwells far from civilization and is thought to hold much wisdom. Mythically these creatures were part tree, part immortal. In reality, Green Man is as much a warning as it is a title. These Gangrel are often old, powerful and riddled with Beast Traits to the point where they hardly seem ever to have been associated with their human roots. Sometimes these creatures bear other names as well, often associated with mythical creatures of legend.
5 dot - Master Skald: Gangrel are well respected as Loremasters, or at least, they once were. Though this title is archaic, a few Gangrel carry this title with pride, or some variation of it. In the Modern Nights, it's just as often simply called: Scholar.
4 dot - In-City Clan Head - Alpha: A city's Alpha keeps the local Gangrel in line, pure and simple. She tells it like it is, she assigns other Gangrel to forward the local Clan's agendas according to their skills and prowess, she shares information and sometimes even blood with those less capable of hunting it up on their own, though often for a favor. Clan is Clan, after all.
3 dot - Beta: Its about 50/50 to find a city Alpha with a chosen Beta. Sometimes they work great together, and strong allies or broodmates are often a powerhouse combination that sets the Clan in line. Other times the Beta is just waiting for a chance to take the top spot and challenge the Alpha for her position. Either way, against out of Clan antagonists, an Alpah/Beta combo of Gangrel is a potent combination that most would rather back down from than fight head on.
2 dot - Mother Bear: Sometimes through leadership sometimes through stubborness, sometimes through soft-heartedness, a Gangrel with this Title is in charge of the cubs. There are alwasy some Gangrel wandering through the city looking for the Sire that made them, sometimes a hairs breadth from causing a Masquerade breach or an inter-clan throwdown. It's the Gangrel way to leave newly Embraced out on their own for awhile. No need to get mad about it, it is what it is. Nobody said you couldn't teach them how to survie. They've got it hard enough as it is.
2 dot - Skald: Respected by most Gangrel are the tale-tellers and the loremasters. That which is primal and tribal about sitting around with blood and telling stories is alive in Gangrel with this Title. Though the expression may be scholarly, mystic or a just plain, down-home, jaw-jacking gift for gab, those with this title are driven by the need to follow the stories they hear and collect them to pass on as wisdom later.
1 dot - Trailblazer: Nobody trusts a drifter, but in the various Sects of the Kindred world, they almost universally respect the need for one. Simply put, the open road is this Kindred's haven, and remarkably, to spite the many mundane and supernatural dangers in a cosmopolitan world of darkness, the Kindred with this Title seem to know which roads to take and when to be safe in a journey. Noone is sure what their Gangrel secret is, and noone wants to wait around in the Barrens and get eaten by werewolves or cursed by fairies long enough to find out. Ironically one of the most 'boon rich' Gangrel, considering how most Kindred consider them a necessary evil for safe travel between domains.
0 dot - Omega: Not so much a Title as it is a lesson. Some Gangrel grant this to any newbie that comes into their city until they do something worthwhile to help the Clan, others save it to teach a lessn to disobedient Fledgelings who don't fall in line. Can never be granted while any other Clan Titles are in place.

Greta Gangrel
Character type: Player
Caste bead draw: Uncommon
Status Background: 3 dots
Camarilla Title: Sheriff (3 dots)
Clan Title: Alpha (Clan Leader 4 dots)
Greta may be 'middle class' when it comes to Kindred society, but she could frankly give two shits. Someone has to get things done around this town, and everyone knows she can. As the Sheriff, she's competent enough to provide the facts to the Prince. Whatever she does with them is politics. Her Clan knows she's in charge too.

Giovanni Clan Titles
7 dot - Dis Pater - Augustus Giovanni, the unliving head of the Giovanni and all of it's families. There is no greater authority in the Clan of Death than the patriarch himself.
6 dot - Maestro/Maestra: Each continent has a master, who reports back to Venice. He controls the padroni, and takes the credit or blame for local failures.
5 dot - Padrone/Padrona: Every region has a padrone, coordinating the various capi and households, and taking tribute from the households to pass up the chain.
4 dot - Anziano/Anziana: The catchall term for elders. The anziani vote to steer the family when Augustus doesn’t set down specific direction. An elder may also be a padrone or nonna, but if you don’t know a member of the family and she seems powerful, anziana is the safe way to go.
4 dot - In-City Clan Head - Don/Donna: Traditionally, this is actually a noble title, but you’ll find it used for leaders and people with loads of money, too. You wouldn’t call someone “Don Giovanni,” unless his given name was Giovanni. Antonia Giovanni would be Donna Antonia.
3 dot - Consigliere: There are certain Kindred who are wiser than others. Vampires who are respected not because of their fists or ability to provide profits for the Family, but because of their knowledge and counsel. Rarely does a Don or Donna make a decision without first having the issue pass the ears of their consigliere, often their closest ally. He represents the Don and is often sent out to the rank and file to settle disputes, or give out orders. This is done for psychological reasons, and legal reasons. Add an extra layer between the dirty work and you, and you give the 'feds' an extra headache as well.
3 dot - Nonno/Nonna: Grandparents. The eldest members of the family generally carry the most power in a specific household, even if they aren’t technically anziani. If any visiting anziani are about, of course, they get their way, but even then, in most cases, it’s considered polite to appear to defer to the nonni.
2 dot - Capo/Capa: The boss most Giovanni see. This is the local guy on the street, checking in with your household, making sure things are running smoothly and giving marching orders.
1 dot - Crypt Keeper - Someone has to keep the local corpses in line and care for the crypts. For the Giovanni, this is a necessity.
1 dot - Enforcer/Associate - Your basic leg-breaking muscle, and a title carried with an almost suspicious amount of pride by a great number of mafia-associated Giovanni. Enforcers are not usually titled because of their brains. Particularly staunch allies of the Giovanni have been known to have been given the Title 'Associate' as a message of respect and Clan friendship.

Gina Giovanni
Character type: Player
Caste bead draw: Uncommon
Status Background: 3 dots
Camarilla Title: None
Clan Title: Consigliere (3 dots)
Gina may trade with the Camarilla, but she has very little interest in their internal affairs unless it profits her in boons. Still, she keeps her ear to the ground and cultivates many 'frienemies' among the Sect so that she may provide sound advice to the Don when appropriate. After all, when La Familgia prospers, so does she.

Lasombra Clan Titles
7 dot - Patris Noctis: Once reserved for the Lasombra Clan Founder, now the position remains officially vacant. Unofficially, there are some who believe they know who claims it, but such an open statement would be considered unwise. Until the political climate related to Diablerie among the Friends of the Night changes, most Lasombra agree it's best to just assume it's an unfilled position, at least until it calls upon you.
6 dot - Friends of the Night: The Friends of the Night are a self-appointed group that sits at the heart of the Lasombra. They have had many names, depending of the fashionable language of the day, such as the “Brether Nokw,” “Amies Noires,” and the “Amici Noctis,” but their agenda has remained the same. They decide who sits in judgment on the courts of blood, and they share resources among themselves to remain at the top of the heap.
5 dot - Justice of the Blood: To make sure the Clan doesn’t dissolve under the weight of infighting, a court system has been developed to manage most disputes. These “Courts of Blood” do not convene to issue punishment so much as to grant permission. They don’t care who broke the rules, who started what, or who has been unfair to whom. What concerns them is those Lasombra who have proved unworthy of the name, or brought disrespect to the Clan as a whole. This Title is often granted for a single Blood Court, and then stripped afterwards, though there are some Lasombra that so enjoy sitting in judgement over their fellows, that they choose to maintain it.
4 dot - In-City Clan Head - Praetor Noctis: Policing a city's Lasombra comes down to one tenet only: That they have done nothing that would reduce the respect of the Lasombra Clan. Rules are elegant and worthy of following because they are a symbol of recognizable civility, but they are only there to ultimately give flavor to the blood of one's enemies. Self-restraint engages the appetites, after all. In all things up to, but not including the Final Death, the Praetor Noctis is judge and jury for the Clan in-city, unless that tenet is broken. It is then the responsibility of the Nocti to contact the Friends of the Night and call for a Blood Court.
3 dot - Faithful Paragon: A Title granted only to those Lasombra who prove resistant to the powers of Faith displayed by mortal hunters, who have dedicated themselves to faithfulness in certain Christian ideals. As reknowned for their resistances as they are shunned for their oddity and piety. Primarily a Sabbat Title, as many Lasombra Titles are the Faithful is a faction within the Sabbat Lasombra.
3 dot - Corsair Captain: A commander of a Lasombra vessel fitted for piracy. The often legendary Lasombra who hold the title of Captain of a ship full of Corsairs primary duty is to his crew, and to harry the Camarilla on every shore on the black horizon.
2 dot - Senior Abyss Childe: A ranking member of the Abyss' Children faction of the Lasombra, whose duty is to explore and study the primeval darkness of the Abyss itself.
2 dot - Senior Crusader: A leader within the Crusader faction of the Sabbat Lasombra, whose duty is to serve, and to learn how best to crush the Camarilla wherever it dwells and breeds. Decidedly a Sabbat Title, as many Lasombra Titles are.
2 dot - Senior Transhumanist: For some vampires, being at the top of the food chain isn’t enough. Spurred on by Darwin’s theory of natural selection, the Transhumanists seek to improve themselves to transcend the limits of their vampiric condition. A leader within the Transhumanist faction of the Sabbat Lasombra, whose duty is to serve, and to learn how best to crush the Camarilla wherever it dwells and breeds. Decidedly a Sabbat Title, as many Lasombra Titles are.
2 dot - King or Queen of Shadow: A member of the Lasombra that remains on the path of Humanity and still serves the Sabbat, while developing a portfolio of Mortal Influences is often granted this title. The Sabbat Lasombra is expected to turn his mortals to use on behalf of the Sabbat.
2 dot - Corsair 1st Mate: Second in command of a coursair ship, the first mate's duty is to her Captain, to distribute commands to the crew upon her orders and to relieve her Captian of duty should she fall to deeply to her Beast.
2 dot - Senior Fatalist: A leader among the Fatalist faction of Lasombra. The Fatalists firmly believe that all vampires are the playthings of the elders and Antediluvians. The course of your life has been set, will is futile, freedom is an illusion. It is therefore the duty of all Fatalists to seek any lore they can find about the ancient ones that they might find answers or be free of them.
1 dot - Squired Crusader: A member in-training of the Crusader faction of the Sabbat Lasombra, whose duty is to serve, and to learn how best to crush the Camarilla wherever it dwells and breeds. Decidedly a Sabbat Title, as many Lasombra Titles are.
1 dot - Angelus Alter: A title that carries with it a double edged sword. The Black Angels believe they serve God by performing the brutal tasks He cannot risk His own angels to do. Often suspected as worshiping demonic entities, or working with the Bali, many Sabbat do not trust them. Only a member of the Sabbat would ever be considered for such a Title.
0 dot - The Doomed: A negative Title given to those Lasombra who act purely on instinct, reveling in their vampiric nature to an extent even the Sabbat considers ill-advised, making groups like the Fatalists look like they have foresight. Mortal authorities often catch up with these — usually inexperienced — vampires, often on a tip from their elders. In the meantime, no form of excess or debauchery is too much for the Doomed. They drink today for tomorrow they may die, likely at the hands of a very irritated sire.

Lawrence Lasombra
Character type: NPC
Caste bead draw: N/A
Status Background: 4 dots
Sabbat Title: Bishop (3 dot)
Clan Title: Friend of the Night (6 dots)
The Bishop of Mortal Chattel for St. Louis MO, Lawrence has his hands busy marshalling the Kine for easy slaughter, but when business is concluded, he sits on the council of the Friends of the Night, a globally respected and feared group (among Lasombra). He's no slouch for recognition among his beloved Sabbat either. Ruthlessness demands respect, as does he.

Malkavian Clan Titles
7 dot - Avatar: This is less a title and more a placeholder for a kind of posession. It's thought that Malkav will one night return in some form, perhaps through his Childer's Childer's Childer, etc. When and if this ever occurs, it will signal the End Times.
6 dot - Oracle/Prophet: To spite the fact that many Malkavians have insights that some (including themselves) consider to be prophetic, this Title is usually granted by Clan Elder consensus to only a very small number of Kindred at a time, usually one, and associated with the lynchpin issue of it's era. The Title is rarely advertized, but always recognized. The Prophet of Gehenna, for example.
5 dot - Fool: Fools realize that all the time spent building up their new perceptions ultimately burn out everyone. Where can you go once you’ve seen the world for what it truly is? Reality was made to be broken, so those at this point in their development are revered yet pitied. Honored yet mocked. The master becomes the student. But then were they ever really the master? Or did they just think that thanks to a mix of arrogance, delusion, and the refreshing scent of pine?
4 dot - In-City Clan Head - Lunatic: Lunatics act and the Clan follows. A careful word, a slight gesture sets all the dominos. Lunatics are the clocks by which Malkavian Time chimes. They say the Great Prank was hatched by a coterie of lunatics. They literally created one egg for each city where Malkavians were located and hid them, like Easter Eggs. The Malkavian that found them got the strongest dose of mental mind twisting power and everyone else got those echoes.
3 dot - Madman/Madwoman: A Madman is a lean, mean, insightful, politically savvy machine. The best madmen don’t shoot to kill; they shoot to teach. This is when plans become elaborate lessons meant to teach more than one Kindred at a time. A Madman's pranks are for shaking Kindred to their core. These are the teachers of the Maklavian Clan, and they take that duty seriously.
2 dot - Maniac: The curse of madness hits maniacs hard, causing mental, emotional, and physical pain the likes of which surpass anything a mortal could survive. The only way to make it through to the other side is to lash out. Sometimes, the pranks at this stage leave an impression simply because of their violent consequences. Your clan is likely to point you at something they don't like and watch you eat part of it and paint with it's innards
1 dot - Fool/Fish: They don’t have much time for activities above and beyond their insanity. It’s hard to campaign to be Sheriff when you’re trying to find out where all the voices are coming from, you know? No, I guess you don’t know. Well, listen to the voices for once and they’ll tell you, okay? Other Malkavians find their randomess useful to cut their own chatter or to remins themselves that insight can come from anywhere. 'Talking' stuffed animal not included.

Marty Malkavian
Character type: Player
Caste bead draw: Common
Status Background: 2 dots
Anarch Title: Coyote (1 dot)
Clan Title: Madman (3 dots)
Marty is crazy. Crazy enough to get Cammies out of Cam cities when they decide they've had enough 'civilization'. He's got a passable Anarch Rep, but he's a nobody to the Camarilla. His Clan considers him a trustworthy source of information however, and while he's loyal to the Anarch Movement, he has no issue providing the Camarilla with neutral info for cold, hard boons.

Nosferatu Clan Titles
7 dot - None. The Nosferatu invented decentralized information networks. They're too busy making sure the real threats in the world don't come to fruition to worry about who is in charge. There are very, very bad things out there, and the Elders of this Clan know their names. That knowledge alone is a big enough target.
6 dot - Spymaster/NetHub: There's rumor of an ultimate Nosferatu spider at the center of the web of of all Kindred knowledge in a given continent. Possibly pisquine and morbidly obese, and possibly sitting in giant tubs of sewer water and filth with arrays of supercomputers at their spindly fingertips.
5 dot - Pedagogue: Nosferatu Loremaster's that travel from city to city seeking and trading obsure bits of knowlege, these Titles are often misleading. Just because a Nosferatu has knowledge, doesn't mean they're willing to trade it. Pedegogues usually don't deal with anyone that doesn't impress them, and only other Pedegogues with knowledge they don't have tend to impress them.
4 dot - In-City Clan Head - Undergovenor: The Nosferatu who wields this title may also be the Face of the Clan, hob-nobbing with the Camarilla Elders and whispering advice to the Prince, or they could never leave the warrens, choosing instead to delegate and manage from below. The fact is, there is a lot to manage and maintain for the Nosferatu Clan to reach it's full potential in a City, from politics to information control. Often held by a Face, someone with the ability to move among the court without offending the sensibilities of the 'high' clans.
3 dot - Warrensmaster: As the rest of the Kindred leave the Nosferatu to their own devices and happily grant them dominion over the sewers of the city, the Nosferatu have free reign to make the places their own. The Warrensmaster oversees the security of the Communal Haven and shared resources of the Nosferatu, including any Spawning Pools or unique features of the Warrens.
2 dot - TechOps: Pretty much any Nosferatu in good standing with the Clan has access to the SchreckNet. Those that aren’t in good standing just don’t get the new passwords whenever there is a periodic change. In a short time, the network has become more than just a database: it has become a social network as well. Some of the younger Nos have even started calling it Filthbook and Garbage+. TechOps keeps the city's servers running and manages any new projects that relate to technology. Without it, the Nos couldn't dominate the information market.
2 dot - Loremaster: For some Nosferatu, secrets are not enough. They seek to learn more about their condition, often so they might better understand it. With the Nosferatu gift to sift fact from fiction and see the truth behind the lies, they make excellent scholars. Many expand their studies outside vampiric lore and latch on to the history and society of other supernatural creatures.
1 dot - Garbage Man: Sometimes things or people just need to go away, and sometimes people and things need collecting, whether they want to be collected or not. For reasons that should be fairly obvious, this title is most commonly held by a leatherface. Almost no self-respecting Undergovenor is without one of these all-purpose Nosferatu.
1 dot - Spawning Poolboy/Poolgirl: A Title often granted by the Warrensmaster, and just as often by the Undergovenor, this Nosferatu is usually held by someone gifted with Animalism. Their duties include ensuring the appropriate blood tithes for the maintenence of the Clan's Spawning Pools and caring for the creatures within.

Nedry Nosferatu
Character type: Player
Caste bead draw: Common
Status Background: 2 dots
Camarilla Title: Hound (1 dot)
Clan Title: Warrensmaster (3 dots)
Nedry is considered low class among the hoity-toity Camarilla Elders, but among the Nosferatu, everyone respects his word when it comes to Warrens security. As one of the Sheriff's Hounds, he's able to pick clean any rogue Shovelheads or get dibs on gossip in the line of duty, which suits this bloodsucker just fine.

Ravnos Clan Titles
7 dot - Zapathasura: the Ravnos progenitor - Killed in a three day combat with 2 Elder-level Eastern Kindred and an orbital mirror aimed by some mortals in 1999. Her destruction resulted in the Week of Nightmares, where most of the Ravnos Clan devoured each other in a global orgy of Diablerie and trippy Chimerstry-induced death. Nobody left in the Clan really wants to talk about that very much.
5 dot - Vedic Lorekeeper: A scholar of the Karavalanisha Vrana. Most Ravnos can quote verses, or small portions of the poem. Some can recite an evening’s worth, or a specific parable from beginning to end. Only a few, the most dedicated of Ravnos lorekeepers, can recite the entirety of the poem, and those have spent decades learning the exact words, order, and inflection. Exceedingly rare since the Week of Nightmares.
4 dot - In-City Clan Head - The Clan head is named for the Ravnos' Caste, that is, whatever the Ravnos' Caste is, becomes the Caste of the Clan Head, and therefore the title of the Clan Head. This is most commonly Brahmin or Vaishya (the most common), with Kshatriya being uncommon, and Chandala almost unheard of. Still the nights after the Week of Nightmares have decimated the population of the Ravnos so greatly that it's not impossible to have a mere Phramulo as a Clan Head, in a city of one. This 'leader of no one' phenomenon is also known as a 'tin crown' among the Elders of the Clan.
4 dot - Brahmin: the religious caste of the Clan, charged with the spiritual enlightenment of the clan, specifically in helping her fellow Ravnose achieve progress along her path of svadharma. Brahmin are responsible for keeping the wisdom and lore of the Clan, performing the duties of educators and advisors.
3 dot - Kshatriya: the military caste of the Clan, the Kshatriya make war on our behalf, or served as a defense in dangerous times. They create strategies of battle, watch for the asuratizayya, and offer protection to members of the Clan who are in need.
2 dot - Vaishya: the management and organizational caste of the Clan. The Vaishya protect the silence of the blood, maintaining mortal influences and keeping an eye on the Clan’s herds. They handle interactions with wealth and physical things, focusing their attention on the material world.
1 dot - Kumpaniya/Phralmulo: A Ravnos with Rroma lineage in her blood. A Ravnos with this Title is often better respected among the Rroma, and is often granted this to acknowledge that connection with her mortal family.
1 dot - Rakshasa: A Ravnos with Egyptian lineage, or simply an accomplished trixter. These things are interchangable among the Ravnos, due to ancient predjidice.
1 dot - Carnie: Ravnos from the Vaudeville era of the Americas are granted this Title to denote their lineage, or simply to underscore ability to shill mortals out of their hard earned valuables and currency.
1 dot - Chandala: The lowest caste of the Clan; the Ravnos consider them nearly Caitiff. The weak, those punished for crimes among the Clan, or those who have failed in some meaningful manner. They perform the tasks that no other caste wishes to touch. Its members are forbidden to Embrace, and they are expected to spend much time in meditation and attempt to improve their standing through performing onerous or unclean duties.
0 dot - Sudra: (also “shudra”) the lowest caste, composed of ghouls and mortal servants. This carries with it no prestige, but it serves to remind the Ravnos of their duty to protect the lowest caste of creatures associated with their mortal lineages.

Ravi Ravnos
Character type: Player
Caste bead draw: Common
Status Background: 0 dots
Camarilla Title: Outsider (Negative Title)
Clan Title: Kumpaniya (1 dot)
Ravi has gotten himself into a bit of a scrape with the court and Prince lately, but he's sure it will all blow over. After all, he's bribed the Scourge to give him a little breathing room and an important Primogen owes him a Major boon. Now if he can just cash it in before his curse and hot Romany blood get him into any more trouble...

Toreador Clan Titles
7 dot - The Rose Prime: A Title reserved for very few Toreador throughout the ages, this hasn't been publically held by a Kindred since Raphael De' Corazon gave the speech that convinced the Founders of the Camarilla to form the Sect. Some still call him that to curry favor however, rumor has it.
6 dot - Jet-Set: There are a number of Kindred among the Toreador capable of moving their eunterages so globally that they almost defy Sect affiliation. Vast Herds, Global Fame, all served by the ability to keep stadiums of worshipful mortals enraptured for days at a time. These creatures may craft a persona, build it up over a decade and throw it away with a masterfully crafted tale about a drug overdose or a plane crash, only to begin it all again. Some believe it is a great game played by Elders of the Clan throughout the ages. Historically, each persona is cast aside once they reach the 'public age' of 27.
5 dot - Glitterati: A member of internal-Clan harpies of sorts who keep tabs on the prestation economy in a regional area. They may come from a variety of backgrounds, as artistes or critics but they exist primarily to manipulate boon economies toward equitable favors, and to ultimately keep boon inflation down and trade information about who owes who what. They also act as sort of 'rumor postmen' for the clan, trading information from other cities about who was embraced where and granted the Accounting by whom. This is considered so important by the Toreador higherarchy, that its Title is only granted rarely.
4 dot - In-City Clan Head - The Rose Elect: The ability to whisper in a Prince's ear and be heard may be all that is all that is needed in some cities to gain the Primogenship, but to herd the cats of the Clan of the Rose in a given city may be considered one of the most difficult posts a Toreador can aspire to. The duties are legion, and the accolades almost always difficult to come by, but the Elect must believe that it is all worth it, for she is the gardener of the roses in her city. She must clip and nurture each of them as they need to grow, giving and taking away titles as it befits their temprements and skills. How can they survive in the greater Sect that they serve without first learning from within the Clan?
3 dot - Elite: Why are some people famous and others obscure? If the Elites know the answer, they aren't telling. Those among Clan Toreador that have mastered the balance between keeping the Masquerade and maintaining mortal Fame belong among the Elites. Their duties to the clan often fall to managing the mortals and the Masquerade for their fellows as well. Often a Keeper of Elysium cut her teeth as an Elite among her own Clan first.
3 dot - Artiste: To be a true artiste in the eyes of the clan of artistes is no small thing. It means submission to criticism, it means the gathering of acclaim from those who know what beauty is. It may be in the eye of beholder to most, but to the Toreador, they simply understand what is exceptional, and what is merely pretty or well-crafted. Only a member of Clan Toreador who has created a truly Rare object d' arte or craftsmanship may hold this title, but the prestige that comes from it among other Toreador is nearly as immediate and instantly recognizable as the bliss of the Toreador curse itself. An artiste knows it is her duty to craft art to elevate the Clan, and to teach those with the talent to learn.
3 dot - Critic: To know what is beautiful is a terrible burden, and the ever-present curse of the Clan of the Rose. Not all who carry this curse carry the talent for atistic endevor, however, and some consider this a tragedy. Not so, for the critic. Their weapons are words, and they consider it a duty to use them to carve away the lies of others and leave behind only bare, beautiful (or ugly) truths. Professional tastemakers, a critic's art is in dissecting beauty, not in creating it. Often a Harpy, or harpy in training has this title among the Roses. A Critic must herd her cats among the roses toward excellence in ettiquite and urge them toward the titles they are most suited for in both Clan and Sect.
2 dot - Prized: A Tite often granted to artistic Toreador who have devoloped enough skill to craft an object of art or great craftsmanship considered to be of Uncommon value. A Prized artiste seeks to constantly increase her skills, and knows it is her duty to craft art to elevate the Clan, and the Sect she serves by creating art.
2 dot - Poseur: Not a negative title among the Clan of the Rose, per se, though there are always factions of evolving thought among the artistes and the critics of the clan, a Poseur is a title granted to a Toreador who shows no particular proclivity for artistic endevor (has not crafted a Rare or Uncommon item) and isn't a particularly good critic (Not Harpy material), but is an otherwise useful and productive member of the Toreador Clan. Perhaps they are simply good at anticipating the needs and desires of the Elect, or has a knack for locating the rare components needed for certain kinds of art. Whatever the thing is, a Poseur is useful to the Clan, and as such, may gain the notice of the Elect.
1 dot - Blossom: A Toreador with potential is often granted the Clan Title of Blossom by the Elect. This kindred may show promise at a particular art, or may show surprising wit. There is an assumption of a certain degree of naïveté about the title as well however, and for a kindred of great age or Status to recieve it is most certainly an insult worthy of a thorny response in most cases.

Theresa Toreador
Character type: Player
Caste bead draw: Uncommon
Status Background: 4 dots
Camarilla Title: Primogen (3 dot)
Clan Title: Prized (2 dot)
Theresa may not be at the top of the food chain, but she's close enough that she can almost taste it. As the Primogen of her Clan in the city, she has the ear of the Prince, and she's a fine craftsman as well, having achieved mastery over Uncommon bladesmithing, as such, she's one of few in her clan that can accomplish such a feat.

Tremere Clan Titles
Each rank in the Tremere system of Titles has seven degrees, or sub-rankings, with 1st degree being the lowest and 7th degree being the highest. Per Lore of the Clans, it's not necessary to raise each degree to go up in Title.
7 dot - Councilor: A member of the Council of Seven, the formost of the Tremere pyramid. The Council of Seven rules the Clan worldwide from their stronghold in Vienna.
6 dot - Pontifex: Above Lords are the Pontifices who rule entire countries. There are usually seven Lords for each of the seven Pontifices.
5 dot - Lord: Moving up to a national level are the Lords, who are responsible for several chantries. Their jurisdiction often ranges over an area the size of an American state, or several states.
4 dot - In-City Clan Head - Regent: The Regents are each master of an entire chantry, often making them the de facto leader of the Tremere in a given city and possibly a member of the Primogen. Both Lords and Pontifices often have their own staff and household, usually basing themselves in a chantry for convenience. Many Regents rankle at having their boss running a separate department in their domain, but to complain would bring their loyalty into question.
3 dot - Magister: The title of Magister (from the Latin for “teacher”) is granted to the Tremere who run their chantry and educate the Apprentices under the direction of their Regent. It is also a title granted to older and more distinguished members of the Clan who have not sought power but instead have become trusted advisors. Magisters tend to oil the wheels of the Clan, organizing training and seeing to disputes and punishments. Magister has also become a term of respect to an elder Tremere or a teacher.
2 dot - Apprentice: When officially presented as part of Kindred society, a Tremere becomes an Apprentice. Many never rise higher than this, but you would be warned not to underestimate a seventh-degree Apprentice. They have earned their status serving the Clan and advancing their magical studies.
1 dot - Acolyte: At the bottom of the pyramid (but above the ghouls and Gargoyles) are the Acolytes. These are Kindred not fully released, and as such rarely gain degrees.
1 dot - Trimira: Among the Acolytes are also counted a group Tremere refer to as the Trimira. These are Kindred of other Clans who have proved their loyalty, and have drunk Tremere blood as initiates of the Tremere — originally a group of Ravnos and Nosferatu who understood an ancient Indian blood magic called Sadhana. They could never be fully part of the Clan, but we were pleased to accept their loyalty and skills. Nowadays, the term has spread to include several agents and Caitiff who often work as deep cover agents on our behalf inside Clans no full Tremere could infiltrate.

Terrence Tremere
Character type: NPC
Caste bead draw: N/A
Status Background: 3 dots
Camarilla Title: Archon (4 dot)
Clan Title: Magister (3 dots)
Archon Terry 'Acre' has a lot of names and identities for use in varying Sect territories, but to the Camarilla higherarchy, he's a respected killer on behalf of the Traditions and the Justicars. Of Magister rank in his own Clan, he could run a Chantry of his own if he wished, but the needs of the Camarilla have him on the road too often. Without his Title, he's of middling rank, ironically.

Tzimisce Clan Titles
7 dot - The Ancient: A “great beast” with “dreams made of flesh and flesh made of dreams.” It is commonly understood to be dead. The Voiovodes fear that this is wrong, that it only waits. All of those who could say must be afraid to speak of it.
6 dot - The Voiovode: The Title reserved for the most powerful active Tzimisce in the world.
5 dot - Voiovode: A potential Voivode must have the endorsement of the Clan elders and must display advanced understanding of Koldunic Sorcery and a Path of Enlightenment.
5 dot - Old Clan: In manner, the self-titled Old Clan are like the Fiends of the Dark Ages, post Shaagra’s Embrace. The voivodes. The night princes. Scions of a monstrous nobility and cold, vicious honor. They rule in the medieval fashion, each domain containing a single vampire noble and her brood.
4 dot - In-City Clan Head - Zhupan: The zhupans carry the more immediate power through the Clan. They are the wisest, though not necessarily the oldest. Knowledge and demonstrated ability in battle proves the worth of a zhupan. Other Tzimisce often heed their suggestions, and it is considered rude to ignore a zhupan outright. As per the old laws, one must awaken the zulo shape before attaining this rank.
3 dot - Childe of the Dracon: The knightly order exists to atone for some past sin of the Tzimisce. Politically, they act contrary to nearly every major decision of the Clan proper, always sitting as angels or demons upon our shoulders. Their elders prefer the Children to remain active in the Sect, rather than cloistering themselves. The order produces many templars and no few members of the Sabbat Inquisition.
2 dot - High Exsanguinist: A leader in the Exanguinist camp of Tzimisce. Unlike other blood cults who gorge on gore, the Exsanguinists practice feeding abstinence. This Metamorphosist offshoot has developed ignoblis ritae to avoid drinking blood for as long as possible. They teach meditative techniques. They throw themselves into distraction. If they can increase the length of time between each feeding, perhaps they can unlock the secret to transcend the curse.
1 dot - Romanian Legacy Foundation Member: Its board of trustees include names such as Bratovitch, Obertus, Grimaldi, and Zantosa, and is composed of Cainites who came from revenant houses. The Foundation keeps the families in touch, hosts gatherings, and welcoming revenants into undeath.
1 dot - Neofeudalist: Neofeudalists seek a return to the nights of kings and serfs. They claim vast domains, sire large broods, are the most gracious hosts, but demoniacal to any who trespass uninvited. As a point of honor, they are self-sufficient from the Sabbat, whom they are at odds with nearly as often as the Camarilla.
1 Exsanquinist Acolyte: An in-training member of the Esanguinist camp of Tzmisce on the Path of Metamorphosis. It is their duty to learn the medetative techniques and Ritae used to delay feeding.

Tzedrick Tzimisce
Character type: NPC
Caste bead draw: N/A
Status Background: 3 dots
Sabbat Title: Priscus
Clan Title: Voiovode (5 dots)
Tzedrick is coming for your city. He's brought enough of the dirt from his homeland to remake it in the image of his old medival town, too, but with more glass and metal. As a Priscus of the Sabbat he has many devout friends, and they have friends, and they make friends. He makes them too. Don't you want to play with them? They are so beautiful when they seep.

Ventrue Clan Titles
7 dot - Director/Euphor: The Directorate (Euphorate) consists of somewhere between ten and fifteen self-selected Ventrue from around the world. No one knows exactly who all of them are except each other, and you only become a Director (or Ephor) when the others agree to send the Elder a bid for the group.
6 dot - Stratagoi: Below the Directors are the strategoi (singular: strategos), the hands of the Directorate, powerful Ventrue who are the conspiracy’s eyes and ears on the ground. A good number of Ventrue Primogen around the world are also strategoi.
5 dot - Lichtor - Below the strategoi are the lictors, the field agents and troubleshooters. It’s a good stepping-stone to better things if the lictor plays it right. There have been many occasions where a strategos has sent a lictor into a city that’s going to pot in order to whip the local Ventrue into shape, and once all the bodies have hit the floor, the lictor somehow ends up as the new Prince. In short, lictor is a dangerous but potentially profitable niche for ancillae Ventrue who want to increase their profiles and who don’t mind courting death or dismemberment to do so.
4 dot - In-City Clan Head - Praetor: The head of the city's Board of Gerusia is the called the praetor (or sometimes simply “manager,”. The praetor is the highest-ranking Ventrue in the city, unless a Ventrue who is also the Prince or the Primogen plays that role and she delegates the praetor responsibility to a subordinate. The praetor chairs all Board meetings and is responsible for finding a place big enough and secure enough to host those meetings.
3 dot - Tribune: Tribunes are the spies, errand boys, and toadies for the Directorate. In other words, every Ventrue who will reliably ask how high when told to jump by a lictor or a strategos.
2 dot - Aedile: The praetor is assisted in her duties by Ventrue informally called “supervisors” and formally called aediles. Typically, aediles are competent and well-regarded ancillae who are happy to suck up, well, because they’re Camarilla Ventrue ancillae and that’s just how they are. In some domains, the praetor presides over Board meetings but an aedile actually runs things, usually because the praetor wants to nap through the meeting or otherwise can’t be buggered to pay attention to what’s going on.
2 dot - Peerage: Only slightly below the tribunes are the peers (collectively the peerage), which is basically a list of every reasonably competent Ventrue who has any standing or influence of any kind. Curiously, being a part of the peerage doesn’t really give you any benefits. Rather, it simply means you don’t carry the stigma of not being a peer.
2 dot - Quasitor: The questors or foremen are young Ventrue who have obtained some degree of status from the Board in exchange for loyalty and obedience.
1 dot - Eiren: The eiren or associate members, sadly for them, are so young and inexperienced that they have no real status at all beyond that which all Ventrue accord to one another as peers. To compare it to the Mafia, think of questors as “made men” and eiren as rank-and-file gang members. Or, to compare it to a fraternity, the eiren are the freshman plebes and the questors are all arrogant sophomores who have been appointed to the membership committee and think that entitles them to haze the newbies.

Vincent Ventrue
Character type: Player
Caste bead draw: Rare
Status Background: 5 dots
Camarilla Title: Primogen (3 dot)
Clan Title: Praetor (Clan Head 4 dot)
Vincent will be Prince of the city, it's only a matter of time. Support waxes and wanes, but he bides his time, patiently, waiting for the correct moment to claim his birthright. That time is coming, soon. Naturally each of the Ventrue knows precisely what to do when the time comes. His plans are simple, brutal, and worthy of a future Prince.