Influence is per V20 rules. Influence - every other level grants an influential mortal contact in a sphere of Influence that your vampire can leverage to get certain actions performed on their behalf. All influence actions are indirectly made via mortals. Your characters' Influences (and the hapless humans behind them) may be lost, taken, or raised through the course of the game. Usually uses Downtime to grow or utilize. Growing an influence (from 1 dot to 2 dots, for example) counts as using the Influence.
Influence cannot be purchased at Character Creation. It must be purchased once a character has arrived in the city she wishes to influence. Like all backgrounds, the cost of Influence with XP is the same as Abilities.
Influence Dot Ratings:
Influence 0 - A Major Influence contact
Influence 00 - (no change, just the extra die to roll)
Influence 000 - One Major and one Minor influence contacts
Influence 0000 - (no change, just the extra die to roll)
Influence 00000 - Two Major and one Minor influence contacts
As shown above, a single individual character can only have at maximum 2 major and 1 minor Influence contacts (with Influence 5), unless they have access to Allies with Influences. It's not particularly useful to 'double up' on an Influence sphere. Though staff will take that into account, there is no mechanical advantage.
Generally, there are several broad areas that influences are used for:
Acquiring Things - Weapons, Armor, Blood, Books, Cash, Businesses, Bodies.
Learning Things - Investigating People, Events, Actions, Holdings.
Hiding Things - Covering Up Actions, Holdings, Events.
Stopping Things - Hindering Actions, Events, People, the City.
Investigating Things - Patrolling, Canvassing or Research feats.
Moving Things - Populations.
To use an influence, staff will roll a single check:
Attr+influence diff 8 for a Minor influence contact
Attr+influence diff 6 for a Major influence contact
Generally the Charisma or Manipulation attributes are used (whichever is highest) to roll along with the Influence rating. Successes required are generally equal to the level of influence action for each influence. Staff has pre-determined guidelines for those levels, and how many successes are required for a given type of influence move, and though that information is not openly shared with players, it is not arbitrary.
Capital - A category of people and assets deemed to have greater social status or prestige in the mortal world, and their related affiliations, social events and practices. These connections represent the jet set millionaire 1%'ers and the elite glitterati of both the the social and financial strata that
can usually afford the ignore kind of jelousy they inspire.

Education - The halls of accredited institutions and hallowed halls of higher learning's scholarly pursuits contain vast stores of expert knowledge, and no small amount of pull when it comes to specialized information or even equipment. Those with pull over tutors and professors have knowledge at their fingertips and the trappings of academia available.

Civics - The people, processes and procedures of city government and key utilities are managed within the Civics influence. From those public utilities to public political offices, if it has to do with the governance of people or assets, it relates to the civil and civic duties of the various mortals within these bureaucratic structures.

Law Enforcement - When the gavel rings out and the sirens scream loud, those with their claws in this influence have the enviable opportunity to decide who ends up on the right side of the law and who is able to evade it. From beat cops, lawyers and the investigations they perform, judgments flow, and justice can be at your service.

Communications - The media of the Modern Nights can be confusing to Kindred of ages past. Though many Kindred understand newspapers, radio & even television, most are at a loss to explain the power of a hashtag or the effects of a popular blog. This is the power of mass communications, it's people, and the appeal of it's power to sway the masses.

Logistics - Planes, trains and automobiles, ships, busses, taxies and their operators all earn their livelihoods from moving things from here to there. Those who wish to be movers and shakers with literal movers and shakers need look no further than the Logistics influence and it's associated tools and personnel.

Corporate - From the storefronts at your neighborhood mega-mall to the churning refineries that power the manufacturing industries, the Corporate influence governs the production, infrastructure and people assets of the American Dream as controlled by the moguls beyond the money and their workforces.

Medical - Everything from advanced medical personnel, training and equipment to access to late night blood bank withdrawals is potentially accessible under the Medical influence. It is a wise Kindred that has the foresight to have extra access to blood for dark Seattle's rainy nights, or the ability to discreetly bag up an especially pale corpse.

Criminal - Everyone on the street knows that what the world can't, or doesn't wish to see is worth a buck or two. The criminal influence covers those that live beneath society's notice, from bums to dealers and the organizations that make their own rules and buy and trade information, vice and equipment the law would never condone.

Mystical - From established religions to secretive cults, the mystics and priests of the world, their hidden Apocrypha and forbidden knowledge is accessible to those Kindred who choose to cultivate their ties to mortals of the mystical and religious bent. Though knowledge is power, some comes with a price, for some of the devout may know of vampires.


Marty Malkavian
Influence level: 3
Major: Criminal (diff 6)
Minor: Medical (diff 8)
Criminal syndicate: Gangs of insane hobos that stalk the night all know Mad Marty and Mad Marty knows them. They have an understanding.
Medical mentionables: A number of psychiatric hospital staff with loose morals. Sometimes blood bags tainted with psychotropic drugs just go missing. It happens, you know?

Theresa Toreador
Influence level: 4
Major: Communications (diff 6)
Minor: Capital (diff 8)
Communications empire: KMRLD TV anchors and newsdesk personalities all get the evening's beat from Theresa's people. Some stories need to go away or get highlighted now and then.
Capital glitterati: Fashionista tastemakers and elite club-goers throughout Seattle bow to the power of Theresa's little black book.

Vincent Ventrue
Influence level: 5
Major: Civics (diff 6)
Minor: Capital (diff 8)
Major: Law Enforcement (diff 6)
Civics citizenry: City Hall is positively bristling with people who work for Vincent.
Capital financials: Bankers in Seattle are aware that trends follow Vincent's investments.
Legal eagle angles: The D.A.'s office runs their dockets by Vincent's desk from time to time.