Per pg. 115 V20 Core book.
Per the book, storytellers determine how expensive a thing is on a scale of 1-5 and if you have the level, you get the thing. Put another way, if everything in the world that is purchasable in a retail sense were placed on a scale from 1-5, that's what each level of resources can buy. We keep it very simple, for the most part.
By and large, staff does not particularly limit where your character's resources rating comes from. It's part of your backstory to build. Maybe they have a casque of gold bullion from that time they were a pirate in the 1600's, maybe they run a clothing outlet store. Maybe they eke by as a late night security guard, or have a job as a 24-hr pharmacist at NiteAid. It's up to you to decide.
While fat stacks of cash can certainly be considered a superpower in the Modern Nights, it's not omnipotent. There are some items that are more rare that cannot be directly purchased with cash. Anything that cannot be purchased at a store or online retailer, that requires bid at an auction or would be considered rare, unique or perhaps even exceedingly antique may require a scene or the expenditure of other kinds of resources to aquire. Example of this would be a painting over a hundred years old, illegal weapons, objects of particular mystic significance, or any Rare Component used in Crafting. Staff reserves the right to make any of those kinds of things require a scene, or some expenditure of other kinds of effort to aquire.
Cash per level of Resources is not defined in V20, so cash allowance per month is as follows - but this is only if requested. For the most part, cash is of little interest to Kindred. If you do ask for cash for your PC specifically, expect the following:
1. $1000
2. $2500
3. $20,000
4. $100,000
5. $250,000
If you have the Buisness background, the cash collectable from a business each month is 1/4 of those amounts above, so $250, $625, $5000, $25,000, and $62,500, respectively.
The Buisness background doesn't have anything to do with the Resources background, it's a seperate background that we made up. You can always say your PC has a business that justifies their resources rating, but the other background simply has special mechanical perks associated with it that are different than Resources. You can see more about that here: Business Background.
The ability of mundane, store-bought security gadgets to be effective is 3 + the Resources rating used to purchase them. Click here to see more about that on the Equipment page.