Ghouls may not purchase the following vampire backgrounds:
From V20 Core Book:
Black Hand Membership (not used at all)
Domain (Kindred only)
Generation (Kindred only)
Herd (Kindred only)
Mentor (It is unheard of for a Kindred that is not the ghoul's Domitor to teach a Ghoul anything)
Rituals (not used at all)
Retainers (Kindred only)
Status (Ghouls may not have Status or Titles in V20)
From Anarchs Unbound:
Anarch Information Exchange (Kindred only)
Anarch Status (Kindred only)
Armory (not used at all)
From Hunter's Hunted II:
Most of the backgrounds in Hunters Hunted II are either repeats of standard backgrounds (like resources and contacts and such) or they are unique to superpowered or specialized Hunter groups in the Classic World of Darkness. Vampire PCs may not have most of these. Put another way, most of these backgrounds are pretty much NPC only.
While it's true that Ghouls are technically mortal or 'partial supernaturals' and all Vampires start out as mortals, any of the Backgrounds mentioned below are restricted to the 2 Unique Concepts cap mentioned in Books & Boundaries.
So yes, you could play a lone Arcanum Scholar as a PC if you are willing to wait until the special concepts cap is up and it's your turn, however upon Embrace, most, if not all of the backgrounds associated with being a Hunter will go away automatically, as your character becomes anathema to their parent organization, and the hunter literally becomes the hunted.
Notes on unique mortal backgrounds are as follows:
Mortal Vampire Hunters Only:
Armory: Not used. Arming 60-man platoons with military hardware remains outside of the scope of our game.
Base of Operations: This background is shown on pg. 38 of Hunters Hunted II, but it is in fact identical in system to the background in the V20 Anarchs Unbound: Communal Haven on pg. 101.
Guide: Mortal Hunters that recieve the Embrace will be hunted by their own Guides who, per book, exist only to coach mortals to murder vampires and other 'evil' supernaturals.
Society of Leopold Hunters Only:
Mob: No change at this time.
Reliquary: Angry Hunters brimming with Faith will certainly die to retrieve these should they be lost or their carrier be tainted with Caine's curse.
Status: Within Society of Leopold only. Mortals only, like everything else in these lists.
US Government Hunters Only:
Rank: No change at this time. Mortals only, like everything else in these lists.
Requisition: The full might of the US government will fall down upon those who steal from Uncle Sam and go to work for 'the enemy'. 'MURICA! Mortals only, like everything else in these lists.
Arcanum Scholars Only:
Artifact: The Arcanum's many militant friends among the Inquisition and other Hunter groups will be happy to hunt down and destroy any creature that leaves the ranks of the Watchers for the Blood of Caine's get. They keep exceptional records, and tend to want to file your fangs away along with them.
Library: Arguably, no organization on Earth has a more vast and complete library of the esoteric and occult than the Arcanum, hidden within it's many well-protected and well-hidden Chapterhouses. Only a dedicated mortal Arcanum scholar could ever hope to have access to this kind of research.
Mortal Powers after the Embrace:
Non-mortals may never have numina.
All Psychic numina powers and Theurgy disappear after embrace.
Hedge magic and true faith might carry over after Embrace but each of these abilities is heavily belief-based and may be lost, reduced or difficulty to use may be added if the belief systems arent vigorously adhered to.