Contacts are per v20 rules. Contacts work In-city (Seattle only) for information only (per the book, pg 112 v20 core)
When buying Contacts, you must declare 1 major contact for each dot - and associate it with an Influence. Each Major contact may be used once per week.
Per the book you may also make Contacts Rolls for drawing on info from a number of unnamed general contacts. These rolls are done using contacts only, (no added attribute) at diff 7. Successes give you a number of minor contacts (minor contacts may be from any sphere of influence) that will have relevant information your character is seeking if there is any available.
Minor Contacts may be rolled a number of times per week = to your contacts rating
Diff goes up by one each time the same question is asked.
Success means a scene where your character may be given an opportunity to offer something in return for information.
General Successes (information only):
1. You might learn about which key mortals are in a given influence sphere. (which Kindred own Influence is not included in this)
2. You can learn about a small favor from a representative. (Someone getting rid of a speeding ticket, speeding up paper work, acquiring VIP passes.)
3. You can glean inside tips from sphere insiders.
4. You can learn about someone calling upon larger favors from sphere insiders (someone erased records of an arrest).
5. You can learn about someone swaying a local institution toward a specific goal (Someone forgot about health codes for a restaurant, someone nudged votes in one direction, or spied on the mayor inside his office).