For information on Prestation/Boons, see the V20 Companion, pg. 37.
V20 has only four boon levels: Trivial, Minor, Major and Life. (There are no Blood Boons in V20, as there were with the earlier Revised edition). The worth of these boons is detailed in the 3rd chapter of the V20 Companion "Prestation". If you read one chapter in the V20 Companion, read that one, as it's vital to understanding the social order of the game you're playing in.
Boons may be purchased at character creation from the 'world' for the cost of a same level of boon. The Storytellers keep this boon and may trade it to other PC's or NPCs as is dramatically interesting. In this way your character may begin play both owing and being owed, as a normal vampire who'd been around awhile would be.
Per pg. 42 of the V20 Companion, boons may also be purchased directly with XP without incurring debt as per above, at character creation.
Staff will also be tracking boons for purposes of tracking down other character's debts, but they are under no obligation to show you their records at any given time. Nor are they required to tell you when a debt has changed hands. It is our intention to keep this portion of the boon economy an in-character only aspect.
Check out our video related to boons and prestation (status) below: