Vehicle Safe Speed Top Speed Manuever
Motorcycle 100 140 8
Crotch rocket 120 180 8
Dark Seattle can be a dangerous place. Outfit your vampire or ghoul with the latest and greatest gear here. Weapon, Armor, Vehical & Equipment cards are needed if you wish your character to rely on their mechanical effects in any dramatic situation. Any other item that you may wish your character ro rely on in a dramatic scene should also have a stamped notecard. Melee and Ranged weapon and armor stats are per pg. 280-281 of the V20 core rule book.
Simple things like baseball bats and over-the-counter handguns are usually no problem. Semi-automatic and automatic weapons may require some Influence with those that can get a hold of them (Criminal or Law Enforcement Influences, or Allies with those Influences). If your character doesn't have the influence dots for it, fear not! Doubtless there are those in game with the hook up. Seek them in-character out and contribute to the Boon economy in exchange for the schwag your character desires.
Track your character's armor, items, vehicals and weapons with a 3x5 card that shows it's stats and has been stamped by the storytellers.

If it has a mechanical effect in-game, get a card for it.
Weapons, Armor, Vehicles, Technology (cell phones), Computers. "But my character would have had," is not an excuse once they have entered play.
Per V20 If you forsee your character needing to rely on an item in a dramatic situation, (like a combat scenario) get the stats for it (in our game, a stamped card). Is it dramatically interesting to be without a cell phone at an inopportune moment? Totally! Is that the drama you want? Up to you.
Prior cards with old stamps from previous iterations of the game will not be accepted. Feel free to save them as keepsakes, but those are all considered void.
We use the Communal Haven background to define havens, whether your character's haven is communal or not. Take look at the Communal Haven (in the Anarchs Unbound book, pg. 100-101) and Domain (V20 core book pg. 112) backgrounds first and check the above links for errata.
Cars, vans, trucks and such have the only vehicle stats in the core book.
There are no stats for motorcycles in the V20 books, however as a sole exeption, we've lifted the stats for them from the W20 core book (pg. 276). These are the only items relevant or usable from any non-V20 book.
The V20 Companion wisely states on pg. 58: "Of course, such weapons of mass destruction are better handled as plot devices than as inventory items in most Vampire chronicles."
We take that to mean that explosive devices are plot devices, which make them the sole realm of the storytellers, as such, they may never be purchased or used by PCs.
If your character wants to secure a location without using the Communal Haven background, you can purchase store-bought cameras and locks for a location (though the Communal Haven background is far more robust in terms of security). Store bought security tech can be overcome at diff 3+ the level of the Resources rating used to purchase it, but requires only a single success to breach. Character's die pools for breaching security gadgets depends on what they're doing, like using Stealth to sneak by cameras, picking locks with Larceny, or hacking motion detectors with Technology.
ARMOR - WEAPON - VEHICLE CHARTS (click to expand)
Common weapons and armor: Most weapons can be purchased by characters at your local all-nite sporting goods store or katanaemporium.com or whatever, for the appropriate Resources rating. Anything without an * (asterisk) in the core V20 book is considered common. You need only write those stats on a notecard and obtain a stamp from the storyteller to use it in game.

Uncommon Automatic Weapons: Items from the Firearms chart with a * (asterisk) are considered illegal weapons by mortal authorities. (Those are the ones that go full-auto). These are considered Uncommon. Gaining illegal weapons require Influence over the Criminal sphere of mortals, whether that be by your character having the Criminal Influence themselves, or by having a mortal Ally with that Influence that they can turn to their advantage. Contacts in the Criminal world could also point a character in the right direction, but will stop short of obtaining them on the character's behalf. (Alternately, your character could track down a criminal in-game and try to take their automatic weapon from them, but they tend to have friends with automatic weapons.) Entering the game with an Uncommon automatic weapon costs Concept Rarity.
Uncommon "Clean" Weapons: Swapped serial numbers, missing maker's marks, etc. are considered Uncommon items and automatically +1 diff to aquire when using Influences or Allies with Influences in the ways described above for illegal weapons.
Uncommon "Odd Metal" Weapons: Functional Silver, Gold, Cold Iron or other 'supernatural killer' weapons can't be purchased 'off the shelf' (and must be specially crafted to be at all usable) are considered Uncommon as well. This includes a single clip of 'silver bullets', which must be declared for a specific caliber of bullet and can only ever be fired from the kind of weapon that fires those rounds (shown in the core book). Entering the game with an Uncommon weapon costs Concept Rarity.

Uncommon Restricted Armor: Armor ratings 1-4 can be purchased from any Army surplus store or online vendor. Armor rating 5 (full riot gear) usually requires Influence over Law Enforcement to obtain, or a mortal Ally with that Influence, or you can have your character try to rob the S.W.A.T. team in-game if you really feel like an adventure. This also includes any kind of medieval armor, whether full platemail instead of riot gear (if you really want to be that guy) or anything else that's a throwback to the 'nights of yore'. It's all Uncommon until you get into stat bonuses, which is Rare.

Rare Weapons & Armor: It's possible to craft a Rare item using a unique component that will give the item an edge, such as a +1 to a stat or perhaps a -1 to the difficulty to use the item. These items are generally masterworks and require special components that must be quested for prior to the crafting. Entering the game with a Rare item costs Concept Rarity.
Some of these items may have an almost mystical flavor to them, due to them being unique in all the world. A -1 Difficulty Sword that is always warm to the touch, or a handgun that stays unnaturally free of wear no matter how often it is fired, or a suit of armor so beautiful that it enacts the Toreador Curse, for example.

Other Items: Use 3x5 cards for tracking cars and gadgets (like camera enabled cell phones and wireless laptops). May be subject to your character's Resources background rating. It is possible for relatively mundane objects to be Rare as well, such as a masterwork laptop that gives a certain hacker a -1 difficulty edge to hacking or a painstakingly hand-written and leather-bound codex that allows the user to look up Kindred geneologies more easily, or even a piece of jewlery from a legendary queen just distracting enough to assist the wearer with artifice and lies.
Take a look at our errata related to it in the House Rules under Attributes & Abilities errata. Crafts follow the common, uncommon, rare theme. Rare items can add +1 to most items like weapons or armor. A Rare item is the only type of item that will ever have different stats than the by-the-book rules.
Final note: all of the weapons vehicles and armor available in the V20 books are listed directly in those published books we use for a reason. If you can't find it in the books, that is your first red flag.
There are no PC-available:
powered armors, armored vehicles, sheilds, armor that doubles as a weapon
tankers, boats, tanks, submarines, fighter jets or other non-statted vehicles
Bows, grenades, napalm, armor piercing rounds, tracer rounds, 'dragon's breath' rounds, bladed bullets, stake launchers, lightsabers or other special weapons not included in the setting material (V20 books).
Molotov cocktails, C4, dynomite, suitcase nukes, etc. or any explosives whatsoever.
"It exists in real life," is not a useful debate tactic here, this is a fantasy game about make-believe creatures.
There aren't any rules for these things located in the books - and we don't intend to make new ones to support those things. Put another way, the weapons, armor and vehicles in the books directly support the shared narrative that the developers intended and that we wish to tell. Storytellers may use whatever they wish for narrative terms, as plot devices to play to a particular theme, yet any item outside of those with book stats will be worthless in player hands should they be obtained. There are not any items that work differently when certain rituals or powers are used on them other than are directly specified either.
The only exceptions to any of the above are:
Items that appear differently but use the exact same stats as any other item, eg. a boat may use the stats of a car over water. A certain type of knife (a kitchen knife vs. a kukri) will use the same stats as any other dagger, full platemail armor uses riot gear armor stats, etc.
A crafted Uncommon item that is worth more $ or made out of an odd metal.
A crafted Rare item with a +1 bonus to a single stat.
Storyteller Note: The items you can count on are the ones from the book. There is not now, nor will there ever be 'precedent safety' for previously approved items that are not direct from the V20 books. Storytellers reserve the right to disallow any items in play that are different from the book rules without prior notice for game balance reasons, on the spot, whether you got it by an ST with the stamp some night or not, forever.
![]() Ranged Weapons ChartEvery ranged weapon used in our Camarilla Modern Nights game will be based on the stats on this chart. Some weapons may be considered contraband and might require Underworld Influence to obtain. Most weapons and items cost money. It could be possible to manufacture or modify other weapons with Crafts. |
![]() Melee Weapons ChartEvery melee weapon used in our Camarilla Modern Nights game will be based on the stats on this chart. Carrying swords and battle-axes in public could raise suspicion and strain the Masquerade. Most weapons and items cost money. It could be possible to manufacture other weapons with Crafts. |
![]() Armor ChartEvery piece of armor used in our Camarilla Modern Nights game will be based on the stats on this chart. Medieval armor is not only uncommon, but likely to draw a lot of attention. Most armor and items cost money. It could be possible to manufacture or modify armor with Crafts. |
![]() Vehicle ChartEvery vehicle used in our Camarilla Modern Nights game will be based on the stats on this chart. Cars tend to cost money - fast cars tend to cost a lot. It could be possible to manufacture or modify other vehicles with Crafts. |
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