E L Y S I U M : S A F E T Y I N N U M B E R S
Elysium. Where it's safe to be dead.
The places below represent a few of the establishments throughout the world that Kindred may go and be welcome. There are however, just a few rules the undead are smart to know about, and just as may exceptions to those rules as the Prince or Keeper of any Elysium might decide.
This page will contain a number of Elysiums available to the Kindred of Seattle, both player and Storyteller locations of note.
The following are quotes in the source material regarding Elysium:
"Elysium: A place where vampires may gather without fear of harm (although some Sects, such as the Sabbat, respect Elysium less than the Camarilla does). Elysium is commonly established in opera houses, theaters, museums, and other locations of culture."
pg. 33 - V20 Core book
"A Prince’s duties and privileges are many, but the most important is the interpretation and enforcement of the Traditions, particularly the Masquerade. Beyond that, a Prince has any individual powers he can claim and uphold, such as declaring Elysium..."
pg. 25 - V20 Core book

"Keeper of Elysium: This is a largely honorific title, though it has many practical responsibilities. The Keeper of Elysium assures that the customs of Elysium are observed, and is a caretaker of sites declared Elysium by a Prince."
pg. 25 - V20 Core book
"It would be foolish to threaten your rival openly while in the confines of Elysium. Roll Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty 8) to properly veil your threat without leaving her in doubt as to your intentions."
pg. 255 - V20 Core book
"A frenzy can be induced by many things, but great rage or hunger are the most common provocations. It is dangerous to deny or humiliate the undead. For this reason, vampires of the Camarilla commonly veil slights and threats in webs of double-talk and subtlety, lest they suddenly trigger an outburst in Elysium or conclave."
pg. 297 - V20 Corebook
"Garcia and MacNeil soon realized how easily they could raise a war fever among the Clanless: Here were undead who had nothing to call their own and more importantly, nothing to lose. The mere promise of basic respect was enough to talk them into the very lion’s den. Oh, they shed their blood like water. They might have resented it, too, had the Revolutionary Council not wisely gone out of its way to enshrine the dead. They inscribed the names of the martyred in the founding documents of the first Free State, in alphabetical order (sans indications of clan, age or lineage). Anarch gatherings as far away as Boston read them aloud — a tradition some domains re-enact after any major conflict with the other sects. Elysiums, salons, and forums have been named after fallen Caitiff as a mark of honor."
pg. 39 - Anarchs Unbound
"Although one can find a variety of domains calling themselves communes, Anarchs sometimes use the term to refer to those that have abolished the Tradition of Domain as it’s usually understood. Feeding rights are held in common by the citizenry, or sometimes granted freely to any vampire, including travelers. As in some Free States (which are sometimes also communes), the entire domain may be considered Elysium, with violence against Kindred or even mortals forbidden."
pg. 50. Anarchs Unbound
"On the other hand, their special status can confer some advantages. They may become a sort of ad-hoc Elysium where cross-sect business or diplomacy between sects and major Anarch states, may be conducted. They may serveas a refuge for persona-non-grata whose offenses aren’t quite grave enough to merit a Blood Hunt, or a place where upstanding Kindred of other sects can operate outside their usual laws. Canny island leaders learn to cater to this “tourist” trade, and may secure considerable influence throughout the political spectrum as a result."
pg. 51 - Anarchs Unbound
"And thus is revealed the true weakness of the invincible Tyrant. For such a Prince, Anarchs who play to the stereotype provide a safety valve for her sadistic urges,and as long as she limits her cruelty to Anarchs, the rest of the Kindred feel safe and overlook her “issues.” But once a few blameless Kindred show up with brandmarks or worse, the other Kindred no longer feel safe, and those issues suddenly become a hot topic at Elysium."
pg. 72 - Anarchs Unbound
"Regardless of the preferred local term, the basic principle is the same. The Brujah of the city gather to hear what oneof their number has done and why he deserves to get his ass kicked. If the consensus is that he needs to get his ass kicked, then that is what’s going to happen. Sometimes,the miscreant gets his ass kicked to Final Death, which requires remarkable dedication if you’re assaulting a vampire with a blunt instrument. A Brujah judged guilty of the most serious crimes — breaches of the Masquerade, serious violations of Elysium, Amaranth — is often beaten into torpor and then delivered to the Prince."
pg 44 - Lore of the Clans, Brujah Section
"Modern history, at least, has a fun game to play. Many Clans love to name-drop who they controlled, Embraced, or influenced. But that’s like giving credit to a pet for helping to get a job or praising a wallet for saving money. Those long nights at Elysium need to be filled with something,so why not make some outrageous claims? I really, really like the 24-hour news cycle for inspiration. They have to fill up the airtime somehow, and some of the things they say are way better fodder for pranks than anything I could come up with on my own. Nobody said we couldn’t steal from other sources."
pg. 134 - Lore of the Clans, Malkavian Section
"[Malkavian] Keepers of Elysium often enact strange rules andregulations in exchange for Kindred taking advantage ofthe promised safety. I’ve heard of a Keeper that insists ifa Kindred wishes to speak to the Prince, she must breakone of the vampire’s bones for the privilege and must notheal it until after the meeting is complete. The more timerequested, the bigger the bone."
pg. 135 - Lore of the Clans, Malkavian Section
"Elysium Regular (1pt. Merit): You spend an unusual amount of time in Elysium. You see and are seen to such an extent that all of the movers and shakers of Elysium at least know who you are. Extended time spent in Elysium also gives you extended opportunities to interact with the Harpies and other Kindred of that stature — and they’ll know your name when you approach them. This Merit is generally taken by vampires that respect and attend Elysium on a regular basis."
pg. 487 - V20 Core book
"Laughingstock (5pt. Flaw): Somehow you’ve drawn the scorn of the local Harpies, who make you their favorite target. You are at a +2 difficulty on all Social rolls in Elysium and a +1 anywhere else in the city. In addition, you are at +2 difficulty to use Intimidation or any Dominate powers on anyone who has heard the stories mocking you. This Flaw can only be taken by Camarilla vampires."
pg. 493 - V20 Core book

The Hotel Seattle
A venerable old Elysium with a storied past
Since 1907 the Hotel Seattle had been a mainstay for Kindred gatherings in Jet City, and it remains a staple of the area. Fitted with turn of the century style and bearing the name of the town itself, it's been the site of gatherings both wild and austere. The hotel was the third of three hotels located in Pioneer Square in a triangular block bound by James Street to the north, Yesler Way to the south, and 2nd Avenue to the east, and just steps away from the Pioneer Building. It was built in 1890 from the ashes of the Great Seattle Fire and serves to this very night. By the time neighboring Smith Tower was completed in 1914, the Hotel Seattle had become an office building, and frequent haunt of Seattle's Kindred population.

The Mercantile
Deep Beneath the Seattle Streets
The Mercantile is Seattle's oldest existing bar and restaurant. It is now a casual place above ground that still has the original hammered tin ceiling, safe, gold scale, and grand back bar shipped around Cape Horn in the 1860s. Downstairs however, is another story. If Kindred venture downstairs they can see and experience vestiges of old Seattle, where prospectors traded Klondike gold dust in a "Sunday bank" from 1889 to 1910 -- the kind of trade that gave the place its name -- and patrons sipped illicit liquor during the prohibition/speakeasy days.Over the years it has hosted everything from gothic nights to a young Jimi Hendrix played acoustics sets there, and it is occasionally used to host Kindred events and gatherings as well.

Jitters Coffeehouse
Where the Urbane Vampires Gather
Earlier in Seattle's storied history, the founder started a little coffee shop in the Horizon building, that still houses it tonight. The original design of the coffeehouse as an cozy, artsy, neighborhood joint survived the success of the "to go" focused, fast-paced environment of his later Starbux legacy--and apparently served as the basis for the design of the original Starbux coffeehouses. Over the years, the cafe has been managed by two sets of baristas-turned-owners, whose prime directive continues to be a continued adherence to the Old Ways: keep the coffee good, the music on and the atmosphere chill. By day this place is addictive. By night it's home to night-owls of an entirely different variety.