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K I N D R E D   S O C I E T Y :   S E C T S   A N D   V I O L E N C E


In Vampire: The Masquerade, the majority of vampires are loyal to one of several sects, which are strongly clan-oriented but primarily political entities. The two major sects are the Camarilla andSabbat, which respectively comprise vampires who attempt to uphold the Masquerade and generally maintain their humanity at passable levels, and vampires who seek to eliminate the Masquerade and rule humanity as predators. This isn't to say that the Camarilla are nice, they're just pragmatic.


These sects trace their history back to 15th century Europe and the Convention of Thorns which ended the Anarch Revolt. The Sabbat are the descendants of those Anarchs, while the Camarilla are the signatories to the convention. The two sects have been mortal enemies ever since, although the difference is blurred at the higher levels and lower generations.


In addition to these two sects are two vastly older sects. The first, the Inconnu, are loose affiliation of vampires who have had a common identity since approximately the fall of Rome. The Inconnu generally avoid all vampiric politics, and may only be a sect by virtue of being too powerful and collegial (with each other) to be considered independent. The second, and far older, is the Black Hand: a Gehenna Cult which traces its origins to the pre-Christian Middle East. The Black Hand is now a subsect of the Sabbat, but its members have their own agenda of which the Sabbat is a part.


In addition to these divisions are some known sect-less divisions. The most well known are the Independent Clans: Assamite, Follower of Set, Giovanni and Ravnos. These clans have their own internal structure (which are fairly sophisticated for some

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of the clans) and generally have no truck with any other organization. The Ashirra are a sect of Islamic vampires. It once held sway in from the Ottoman Empire to India and Malaysia, but is now confied to a few middle eastern countries. The Anarchs, who in modern night are a loose (and nearly extinct in revised edition, but experiencing a resurgence in V20 due to the New Promise Mandarinate) confederation of vampires generally adopting a combination of youthful rebellion and less dusty political thought. Finally, there are vampires termed Autarkis, meaning that they exist independent of the entire structure - generally ruling small communities absolutely or otherwise hiding from all support structures.



The Ivory Tower

The Camarilla are the 'civilized' vampires. Holding to a set of laws, known as The Traditions, these vampires co-exist with mortals by hiding their vampiric nature.


The Movement

The Anarch Movement has come to the fore in more recent decades, fueled by the anarch lifestyle of modern youth, these rebels without a cause strive to do whatever the other sects are not.


The Outsiders

The Independents follow their own rules and attempt to stay out of the bloody conflicts between the major Sects (notably the Camarilla and the Sabbat), attempting to remain neutral enough to trade and bargain, while still accomplishing their own nefarious ends. The Independents are made up of entire Clans or Bloodlines that have their own higherarchies.


The Watchers

The Inconnu are a mysterious group, believed to be made up of vampires who have achieved the legendary state of Golconda, vampiric nirvana. These observers are said to never interfere, only watch, as Gehenna approaches.


The Sword of Caine

The Sabbat are the antithesis of the Camarilla. Wild, chaotic vampires who embrace their dark side, taking delight in feasting on mortals, and embracing all that is vampiric.


And the Tal'Mahe'Ra

The Black Hand are a secretive sect of vampires within the Sabbat with shadowy objectives.


Lone Vampires

An Autarkis is a solitary vampire that remains outside the larger vampire society and often refuses to acknowledge the claims of a Princes, Archbishops, sects, clans or other such entities.

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